Chapter Seventeen

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I love you, and that's the beginning and end of everything.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald


Waking up to a phone ringing at six in the morning isn't pleasant. Like at all. It's a Saturday. I should be able to sleep in without any interruptions. But oh god no. Let's get woken up to Bad Reputation blaring through my phone.

"Macy what the hell?" I grumble, pissed off at my bestfriend for waking me up this early. I hear a bunch of shuffling in the background and voices.

"Have you not checked your phone?" She asks and I scoff.

"Macy, no I did not check my phone at freaking six in the morning!" I yell at her. She's the blondest brunette I know.

"Well you should have. We have practice in like 15 minutes. So hurry up and get over to the gym. My mom will have your ass if you're not here." She says, hanging up on me. Practice this early? Good god she wants to kill us.

I jump out of bed and rush over to to my clean laundry basket, desperately searching for my jersey we got handed a couple days ago. I haven't put my laundry away, so it should be here somewhere. After throwing all of my other clothes in the floor I finally find the stupid thing, and I run over to my dresser and pull out a random pair of spandex and stuffing them in my gear bag. I throw my phone in there too.

Next stop: beg my mom for my car keys back.

"Mama? Are you up?" I ask, carefully stepping into her room. She's propped up in her king sized bed, doing something on her iPad. Even when she's off of work, she's still working.

"Hey honey. What are you doing up this early?" She asks me, putting down the tablet.

"Well that's the thing. There's volleyball practice in like ten minutes and the Ally and them are asleep. And plus mom I've not had my car in weeks. Me and Ally are okay again and I feel like I've done my sentence. Please can I gave my car keys back?" I plead with her. She thinks about it for a minute.

"Promise no more staying out past curfew?" She asks me, digging around her drawer until she she fished out my keys. I take them from her and kiss her cheek, giving her a huge hug.

"I promise. Thank you!" I give her one last hug before dashing out of her room and heading towards my car.


"Liv how the fuck are you so happy after doing 50 sprints?" Macy asks me, trying desperately to catch her breath. Today we're conditioning to get ready for the game on Monday.

"I'm just a happy person." I return, getting a drink of water. Macy eyes me suspiciously before grabbing me by the arm and making me look into her light brown eyes. "Mace what's up with you?" I ask her, trying to pull my arm away.

"He kissed you last night! That's why you're so happy!" She shouts, jumping me up and down. A few girls near us turn their heads towards us and I feel my face heat up. How could she even know?

"Do you think you could say it any louder? I'm sure the whole state of California didn't hear you." I hiss, packing my things up and walking out. I didn't want to talk about that. Me and Noah didn't even get a chance to talk about that last night. After we kissed, he was pulled away from his football friends. I don't even know what to call last night.

"So you're not denying it! Oh my god the ship finally hit it's destination!" She squeals, catching up to me outside. I turn around to face my bubbly bestfriend.

"Macy please don't make a big deal out of this okay? Noah and I haven't even talked about what it was." I tell her, unlocking my car and putting my bag in the passenger seat.

"That's so not the point Olivia! Good god you guys kissed!" She exclaims once more.

"Oh and you're dropping me off at my house." She says, climbing into the passenger seat and throwing my stuff into the backseat. I love how she asked first.

"Macy I swear to god if you don't stop talking about the kiss I will stop this car and throw you out!" I exasperate. I'm ready to slam on the breaks and watch the brunette go flying out of the windshield. She's about to kill me.

"But Liv you're not saying anything about it! Come on give me something!" She whines, giving me puppy dog eyes. Dammit. She knows I always fall for that.

"It's was amazing," I finally admit, a smile appearing on my face just thinking about last night. "His lips were soft and sweet against mine, and I honestly it was perfect." I take a glance at Macy and she's smiling like a goon.

"I'm so flipping happy for you Liv. It's sort of gross listening to you talk about Noah like that since he's like a brother to me, but I'm more happy than disgusted." She laughs, grabbing my free hand.

"Hey you asked for the details." I return, bringing my attention back to the road. I hear my phone start to ring and I look over at Macy who's already turned around digging through my gear bag. She pulls it out and a huge smile spreads across her face. Before I have a chance to say anything, she presses her thumb on the answer button and puts it up to her ear.

"Liv's phone." She says, smirking at me the entire time. I don't like how this is turning out.

"Oh hi Noah! What's up?" That evil bitch.

"Macy give me the phone." I demand but she shakes her head.

"Yeah she's right here. No you may not talk to her. Because I said so that's why." God I'm going to murder her.

I pull onto Macy's road and thank the high heavens. I slam my breaks and Macy gives me a shell shocked look.

"Get out and give me my phone." I demand once more, and this time she actually complies. I yank my phone from her hand as she climbs out of my Jeep. She glares at me for a minute before walking up to her towering three story house.

"Hello?" I ask a bit breathlessly, my heart doing cartwheels.

"Hey," his voice come through the receiver, "Can you come over?"


This was more or less a filler chapter, but the real one will be up later. Also, do we want characters? I have them all picked out, but I need you guys to tell me if you want them! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share share share! Did I mention to Share and Vote? I love you guys.

Until next time,

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