Kiss me like you mean it (Jean x reader)

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And now time for a Jean one shot!! This is for all of you crazy Jean fangirls out there.



You open the stable door. You liked to be with the horses because it reminded you of your farm back on the inside of wall Maria. you and your family raised houses for the military for generations. you had even seen some of them when the older soldiers rode by.

But mostly because it reminded you of your crush, Jean. People thought he was an annoying, horse-faced asshole who only card about himself, but you knew him better than anyone else. Well everyone besides your mutual friend Marco who had died a while back.

You let out a silent shutter. Before Marco has died, there was a huge chance that you and Jean would get together. But after Jean had found Marco's half eaten body, he kept himself as far away from you as possible. you couldn't blame him, but your emotions for him didn't change.

You grab your grooming bucket from a small closet on the side of the stable. Ever since Corporal Levi has found out that it was your family who breed the horses, he instantly put you in charge of taking care of the horses claiming that "nobody else could do it right" because "those animals were always filthy."

You start to get to work on the first horse nearest you. You get really involved in your work as you start to brush out the horse's short coat. when you finish with that one, you had to the next and repeat the process. And after a few hours, you reach the very end of the stable. Usually in the last stall it was just full of extra hay. but today the hay pile was moving. you go over to it and poke it. A hand comes out and swats it away.

"Leave me alone." a muffled voice mumbled from inside. You move the hay away to see who was under the hay. soon you uncover the sleeping form of Jean.

"Hey. Jean. get out of the hay." you shake him awake. he looks around for a second with a confused look on his face. when he notices you, he tells and tries to scoot back father into the hay stack.

"(y/n)! What are you doing here?" he asked shocked.

"Um. working. I take care of the horses here." you say with a duh tone. You head into the stall next to him, where one off the horses, Dart, was in. You stated to groom his fur.

"Oh. yea. I forgot that Levi got you stationed here." Jean turned on his stomach and faces you. He stares at you as you work on the horse. His eyes follow you every where you go. You walk around Dart so he can't keep eyeing you.

"So why are you in here, and asleep at that?" you ask Jean . he sighs and turns back onto his back.

"Well I was having some trouble sleeping. An old memory kept popping up. at first it was good, but there was another memory that is always attached to it. I like the one memory but almost break into tears whenever I think about the other one." Jean admitted shyly.

You stop for a second. Looking at your one good friend you try to think of what the memory could be. Only one thought popped into your head.


You walk out of Dart's stall and head over to the one Jean was in. You sit on the puke of hay next to him. "Can I take a guess at the memories Jean?" you ask politely. He nodded slightly.

He shifted his gaze over to you so that he was now looking at you. You could tell from the way his gaze was shifting that he wanted you to guess correctly but than again he didn't.

"I want to guess the good one first. Your good one is all the times you spent smiling and laughing with Marco and me. And your bad one is Marco's death." You mumble the last part. Jean was started to open his mouth, but you cut him off.

"It's okay. Whenever I think about the two of you, Marco's death always seems to be lingering in the back round. I hate how he died and I wish that I was there with him." You felt tears brimming in your eyes. You missed Marco. And taking about him, even to Jean, who missed him a lot more than you ever will, makes you weak in the knees. You could feel Jean shifting in the hay next to you.

A single tear spilled over. It was quickly whipped away by a gentle hand. It was Jean's.

"please don't cry over Marco. he would never allow it if he new were." Jean comforted you with his words. More tears came out, and every one of them was soon brushed away. Jean took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You just sat in the hay with him.

"And you were right. I am sad about Marco's death, but was happy to spend that time together with him. And you. But, my happy thought was just of you. Mainly because you are all that I have left of that time, (y/n)." Jean whispered. His voice cracked a little. You turn to look at him and saw a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks. You gently brush them off, just as he did to you.

Jean smiles and you smile back. "I know that I've avoided you since that day I found Marco, and I really regret that. it was a hard time for me. I bet it was hard for you too." Jean whispers. This time, you wrap your arms around his waist.

"You are damn right it was." You laugh. Jean's smile get bigger.

"Always the one too lighten the mood huh, (y/n)?" You two laugh for a bit, enjoying each other's company, when Jean had to ruin the moment.

"Hey. you know what I've always wanted to do, (y/n)?" He looks over at you. You give him a confused look.

"Kiss you."

You stare at him for a long moment. He keys go of you and gets up. scratching the back of his head.

"Yea. I knew that was kind of a long shot. well, I'll get out of here before I can embarrass myself even more." Jean turns to walk away. In a split second, you make up your mind and shot your arm or to grab him. Confused, he turns around and looks at you. You look down at your feet, trying to think of what to say.

"If you're going to kiss me, then you better kiss me like you mean it." You look up at him with a smirk. It takes him second to comprehend it all. When he does, he returns your smirk with one of his own.

"Only if you do the same." He laughs. You grin and pull him back into the hay.

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