Cadet's Game Night- Part Three

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And now for the third part!


You grin evilly as Sasha reaches her hand into the bowl. She swished her hand around in the bowl a couple of times, like she was trying to stall.

"Just pick one already." You snap. Sasha sticks her tongue out at you. And you do it back to her. Sasha starts to close her fingers on a slip of paper when there was a knock on the door. relief flashes across Sasha's face.

"You got lucky this time." You scowl and go to open the door. "Hello?" you say as you open it.

"Hi! I couldn't find anyone in their dorm rooms so I thought to check here. so what are you guys doing?" Eren asked with a smile. You smile back and pull him in through the door, not wanting any body else to here what was going on.

"Seven minutes in heaven! And since you came through the thresh hold, You are now forced to join! But his name in the bowl Sasha!" You yell enthusiastically and point at Sasha. You hear some giggles and can't help but to laugh yourself.

"Really? Are you really that immature? Oh well I guess..." Eren says passively.

"And since you are the last to join, it's your turn to pick!" Sasha pushes the bowl towards Eren. He looked wearily at it.

"You do know that Levi is patrolling halls right now, right? don't you think he'll hear you guys or something ?" he eyed the bowl and looked at all of us.

"Which is why I didn't want to be here. If Levi is coming, then I don't want to get stuck in his wrath." Armin said. He got up and let the room, and nobody stopped him.

"Okay fine. we'll be done after this last round. You should draw." Connie tried to persuade Eren.

"I guess. But as long as this is the last one." Eren huffed as he reached into the bowl and pulled out a slip of paper.

"Oh. its (y/n). What are the chances?" Eren shrugs again. You blush furiously and groan. Two in a row?! Every one starts to laugh at you.

"Did I miss something?" Eren asks confused.

"(y/n) just got done with a session in the closet with Jean." Connie says, wiping away tears from his eyes. Sasha and Jean error into more laughter. Armin just sits there awkwardly while Mikasa gives you the death glare she saves for her next victims.

"Oh. I can draw again..." Eren reaches for the bowl, but Jean snatches it away.

"Nope! Rules are rules! Get in the closet or I'll carry you in." Jean states cockily. Mikasa's death glare shoots over to him. Jean flinches but says nothing.

"Fine. Let's just get this over with." You grouch. You pull Eren into the closet behind you. I've you were both in, you shut the door.

"Sorry about drawing your name, (y/n). Eren ribs the back of his neck.

" It's fine. " You sigh. "Let's just get this over with."

"How should we start?" Eren asked like he had no clue what so ever. You quickly realized he didn't know what he was doing. You laugh and wrap you're arms around his neck. As if automatically, his arms go around your waist.

"Like this..." You say as you lean in. Eren leans in too and pretty soon, you both are using slowly. Eren was much more submissive than Jean, thankfully, and let you take the lead. You shifted a little so your head was tilted. You two press your lips together and slowly start to move together. Eren it's a little slow at first, so you are patient before you start to more l move things up.

But that never really happened. Eren suddenly took control. He dipped you down so low, the back of your head touched the ground. carefully, Eren set you on the floor in the small closet, so you had your get proud up on the wall. Eren stratles you and removes his lips. he looks around confused for a second.

"How did we get on the floor...?" He asks like he couldn't remember. You giggle a little and pull him back to you. you attack his lips with your own.

Eren once again takes control and easily pries your mouth open. He slips his tongue in and explores it. You playfully fight with his tongue whenever they hit, which was almost constantly. you smile against him. you really enjoyed this. no wonder Mikasa wants him this bad.

from outside the door, you hear quiet chatter.

"Why are you ask here in cadet (y/n)'s dorm? and where is she anyway? I wanted to talk to her. immediately." a low, commanding voice asked threateningly.

You detach yourself from Eren and motion to him to stay quiet. You listen carefully to what your friends try to come up with.

"(y/n), went on a walk with Eren earlier, Corporal Levi, sir." Jean stuttered as he tried to come up with a good lie.

"Yea. they left not to long ago and asked us to wait here until they came back." Sasha pointed out like it was a real fact. You tried hard to contain your giggle. You look over to Eren, but he had a frightened look on his face. You just roll your eyes and focus back on the conversation.

"Well in that case, I'll wait for her here with you." Levi said. You heard a thus as he sat down. You curse under your breath. how will you get out of this mess. Eren whimpered. You look around the closet trying to find something that could help. then you spot it.

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