Tear Stained (Erwin x Reader)

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This one came out longer than I had promised because I didn't like the first story that I had written so I had to rewrite it. Also i got my electronics taken away (for reading too much manga) on the day i was going to update and just got them back. sorry again :/

Also, this one was requested, so I hope it's to your expectations!


You were truly surprised when Erwin had asked you to come walk with him this evening. The two of you hadn't done that since you were cadets. It was probably because of all the work that the two of you had to do now that you were some of the oldest veterans in the survey corps.

But you still were quite shocked that Erwin had asked you now of all times, to go for a walk. It was the middle of the night and you were expecting the 21 new recruits from the 104th training class. That had been the most for a long time.

Waiting outside of his office, you stare out the closest window. You always enjoyed the outside, which was one of the reasons you joined the survey corps. The other reason, well, you preferred to not go in to that one for personal reasons.

You hear the creaking sound as the door next to you was opened.

"Ah, (y/n). Glad you could join me for a walk this evening." Erwin said in his usual friendly voice.

"Well, it is kinda hard to say no to you Erwin." You point out. You had been on first name basis with Erwin for a long time, longer than even Levi.

"Well said, (y/n). Well said." Erwin chuckled. "Well let's get started. Shall we?" He extended a hand playfully. You giggled like a love struck recruit and placed your hand gently on his. He gripped it tightly and brought it to his lips and kissed it in an old gesture that wasn't common in the outer walls.

You were quite shocked and jerked your hand when you realized what he was doing, but it didn't help with the fact that your face was burning like a furnace.

Erwin let you hand drop. He looked a little crestfallen, but brightened up a little when the two of you started walking.

The two of you walk together for a long time, mindlessly talking about everything under the sun.

The sun had gone down almost an hour ago, but you and Erwin still walked. You weren't  quite sure the path that you two had been walking.

"Hey, (y/n). There is something that I wanted to ask you." Erwin said suddenly in the middle of your discussion about the color as the capes.

"Oh? What is it Erwin?" You ask him, slightly scared. Knowing your commander, he could really ask you anything. You two were just talking about the color of the capes!

"Is something bothering you lately?" Erwin asked. You shifted uncomfortably at his question. Of course you were bothered. every time there are new recruits, something ended up going wrong.

Last time, you lost almost every one of the newest recruits. You always felt bad for the ones who died because you had been here for a long time and still haven't been eaten.

"No. it's nothing. It's getting dark. we should start to head back." You turn back around to where the headquarters was, when Erwin grabbed onto your arm and turned you around.

He pulled you into a tight hug and rested his head on top of yours.

"If something is wrong at any time, please come and talk to me. Because I care about y-, I mean my officers." Erwin said. you could feel the rumbling in his throat as he talked. You caught his little stutter and almost blushed, but you usually never blushed in front of him.

"Okay." You quietly replied. You could feel the tears pricking in your eyes as you pull away from him.

"Hey. Smile please. Not just for me. there is no need to scare the new recruits." Erwin joked. he smiled at you waiting for you to do something.

You laugh as you smile back at him. the first tear trickled down your cheek.

"See? Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears." Erwin told you gently as he caressed your cheek and wiped away the tear.

His hand didn't move away though. And you didn't want it to. You were looking at the ground, but you could tell that he was staring at your face, so you turn your head to look at him. your eyes lock with each other's instantly.

"(y/n). I just want you to know something." Erwin started, in almost a whispering tone.

"What?" You reply in the same way. His eyes shifted quickly to your lips than back to you eyes.

"I love you."

He pulled your head up to his as his went down to yours. You didn't protest.

Your lips touched and you could feel the sparks shooting off of them. He pressed them tightly together, and you started to wrap your arms around his neck. He brought both of his hands to your hips and brought you closer to him. It left your cheek cold, but it was worth it.

After several minutes of this, you both pull back. Erwin rested his forehead against yours. You both were breathing steadily after a few seconds so you decide to say it.

"I love you too."

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