Chapter Five

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I woke up the next day smiling for once. I couldn't wait for 8 o'clock. I got out of bed and walked down into the living room to find Henry watching TV. "Hey Cassie." He said smiling. I smiled back at him. I looked around the room, hoping to see the time somewhere. "Henry, what time is it?" I asked. Henry looked at the tv and the time popped up. "12." He said, turning to me. "Why? Got a date?" He asked. I giggled. "As a matter of fact, I do." I said smiling. "With who?" Henry asked. "Peter Pan." I said, not meaning to sound cocky, but it came out that way. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound cocky." I said. Henry nodded. "But, you have a date with Pan?" He asked. I nodded. "Mom already said I could go." I said as I sat down next to him. "Okay, I just don't want you getting hurt, even though you're like 2 years older than me." He said. 

I giggled again. "A year and a half." I said. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Henry said smiling. "But what does he have planned, did he tell you?" I shook my head. "Nope, I have no idea what he has planned." I said. "All I know is that I get to spend my night with him and that's all I care about." Henry rolled his eyes. "Oh, gag me." He groaned. I laughed at him. "Oh, be quiet." I said smiling. Henry and I sat on the couch, watching TV until there was a knock on the door. I went to go get it, and gasped when I saw who had knocked. "Peter!" I said, shocked that he was here so early. "Nice hair." Pan said winking. I put my hands on my hips. "Thanks, it's called the 'I just got out of bed so shut up' look." I said. Pan laughed. I had never heard him laugh before. It was pretty cute. 

"So, I came here to pick you up early." Pan said. I looked at him, kind of confused. "Okay." I said. "Should I get dressed?" I asked. Pan nodded, laughing again. I smiled. "Okay. Go sit on the couch, I won't be long." I said. Pan nodded and walked in. As he sat down on the couch, I went upstairs. "And Cassie?" Pan shouted after me. "Brush your hair!" I laughed. "Just because you said that, I won't!" I yelled back, obviously joking. I quickly ran my head under some water in the sink in the upstairs bathoom, quickly dried my hair, then got changed into something cute. When I walked back down, my mom was giving Pan a lecture about how I had to be home by a certian time, or she would come find us and wouldn't let me go near him anymore. 

"Mom, he'll bring me back." I said. "I'll make sure of it." I looked at Pan with a serious look. "C'mon, you act like I don't care about you." He said smiling. I smiled and nodded. "Okay guys. Have fun, and be safe." My mom said. She hugged me and kissed my head. She walked us out, and as we were walking away, she yelled, "No talking to strangers!" I laughed. "No promises!" I yelled back. I loved the relationshp I had with her. We could joke around and I wouldn't lose my respect for her. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked. Pan smiled. "You know how the carnival is in town?" He asked. I gasped. I had never been to a carnival before! I smiled up at Pan and he smiled back. We reached the carnival and after we got our wristbands, we didn't know what to do first. Ride the rides or play some games? We finally decided on going on the rides first. "Which one do you want to go on?" Pan asked me. "Um..." I thought. Everything looked so fun! "Do you like spinny rides?" I asked. Pan nodded. "Then lets go on that one!" I said, pointing to the one which had lights saying, "The Scrambler!". Pan smiled and we ran over to the ride. 

The guy scanned our wristbands and directed us to an empty seat. We sat down and pulled the safety bar over our heads. The guy walked around and made sure everyone's was locked, and then started the ride. It was going really fast. I was laughing with Pan and I was basically squishing him. After the ride stopped, we got off and went to go on another ride. "That one just makes you feel like you're flying." Pan said, pointing to one called "Superman'. I nodded. "How about we get something to eat?" He asked me. I nodded. "Okay." I replied. I was pretty hungry. We walked over to the food stand and we checked out all of the food. 

I asked for a bag of cotton candy, and Pan asked for one too. Since the carnival was at a school, we walked into the gym to sit down. "Are you having fun so far?" Pan asked me. I nodded. "Yeah," I said. "I've never been to a carnival before, so this is amazing. And being with you just made it a million times better." Pan bushed and I smiled. I took a piece of cotton candy and put it into my mouth. It melted and I smiled. "After we eat, how about we go onto the ferris wheel?" Pan asked. I nodded smiling. "Okay." I said. We finished eating, and we walked over to the ferris wheel. We scanned our wrists and we sat down in one of the cars. After we pulled the safety bar down, Pan looked at me. I looked back at him and smiled. The ride started and Pan held my hand. After going around about 3 times, we got stuck at the top. Pan looked at me, made me face him wtih two fingers, and then kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and I felt him smile too. 

We got down and started heading towards the games. We walked over to the balloon popping game. "With this game, you have to pop the balloons." Pan said smiling. "Do you think you can do that?" He looked at me. I nodded. He paid the girl and she handed me five darts. "Pop three balloons and you get a large prize." She said smiling. I nodded, smiling too. I thre a dart, and popped one balloon. "Good aim!" Pan said smiling. I smiled to myself. I thre another dart, and popped another balloon. I picked up the third dart and hit a balloon, but it didn't pop. I sighed. "Here, let me help you." Pan said. He came behind me, and helped me throw the dart at a red balloon. He popped it. "Nice job!" The girl said smiling. "What prize would you like?" I looked at all of the large prizes. "Can I have the stuffed dog?" I asked. The girl nodded. 

She handed me the dog, and I smiled. It was a husky, and I loved those kind of dogs. It soon got late, and we started walking back to my house. We walked in the door, and my mom was waiting for us. "You guys are lucky. I was just about to go searching." She said smiling. I knew she was kidding. "Wow, where did you go to get that thing?" My mom asked as she noticed the stuffed dog that I was holding. "Carnival." I said smiling. After an awkward silence, Pan sighed. "I'd better get going." He said. "I'm glad you had fun Cassie." I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow." Pan said. I walked him to the door and kissed him when we got there. "I love you." He said smiling. "I love you too." I replied. He kissed my nose before turning away and flying home. I closed the door and smiled as I did so. "Nice night?" My mom asked. "Perfect." I replied. 

---Okay, so I didn't really know what to do for the date, so I just chose the carnival. I kinda liked the idea of Pan going to a carnival and letting his cute and sweet side out. All of the rides that I mentioned are from the rides that are my favorites.--- 

***And I know this is a long chapter, but I got so caught up in the date that I kinda let it get a little long. Sorry guys! Please comment if you liked it!! Thank you!!<3***

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