Chapter Seven

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After falling asleep on the floor with Pan, I woke up to him slightly shaking me. "Cassie." He said softly. 'Wake up babe." I opened my eyes and looked up at Pan. "Your mom isn't home yet." He said. "How about we go to Neverland!" I nodded smiling. "Can I get changed first?" I asked. Pan nodded smiling. I quickly got changed and we walked out of the house. My mom was pulling into the driveway. "Oh, I didn't see her car." Pan said laughing. I smiled and walked to my mom. "Mom, is it okay if we go to Neverland?" I asked her. She nodded. "Just be careful and be back by 9." She said. I nodded, and Pan and I flew to Neverland. 

When we got there, the lost boys were around the fire, and I saw a familliar face. "Chase?" I asked. One of them looked at me and stood up. "Chase!!" I squealed and hugged him. "I didn't know you knew Chase!" Pan said smiling. As I pulled back from Chase, I saw Maddie and Ali, my two best friends from preschool. "Oh my gosh!" I said as I ran to them. "Hey guys!" I hugged them both and Pan looked at me. "How do you know them?" He asked. I shrugged. "They're all my old best friends." I said. "I forgot about them when I went to the orphanage." Pan nodded. "Why are they here though?" I asked. "Well, Ali is Felix's girlfriend, Maddie and Chase had bad lives at home so I brought them here." Pan replied. 

I nodded and smiled. "You guys aren't mad at me right?" I asked my friends, my smile fading. They smiled and shook their heads. I smiled again and they hugged me. "I missed you guys so much!" I said. We all sat aournd the fire, and I was in Pan's lap and Ali was in Felix's lap. Maddie and Chase were laughing together and the other lost boys were all burning sticks. "So, how did you guys meet?" Ali asked smiling. I looked at Pan, and he smiled. "Well," he said. "The mayor of Storybrooke adopted her from the orphanage, and I kinda took her to scare her family, but then I started to like her and here we are!" I smiled and all the lost boys cheered. 

After not seeing my best friends in so long, I knew that we had some catching up to do. "So, guys, how's things been?" I asked them. They all shrugged. "Well, kinda sucky." Chase said. I sighed. "I'm sorry." I said. "If it makes you feel any better, I thought about you guys every day." Chase smiled and so did Maddie. "Ali, are you okay?" Pan asked Ali, when she didn't smile. "I'm mad." She said. "Why?" I asked. "You left me with my stupid parents and..." Before she could finish, she started crying. Ali ran off, and I sighed and got up as well as Felix. "Let me talk to her." I said as I started chasing after her. 

When I finally found her, she was sitting on a log near the lake. "Ali, what the heck?" I asked. "Why did you have to run off like that?" Ali didn't talk. "Ali talk to me please." I pleaded. I sat on the log next to her and sighed. "Please talk to me. You know I hate it when people are mad at me." My voice cracked. "Especially my best friends." Ali looked at me as tears filled my eyes. "Why do you have to do this?" I asked her. "Because!" Ali cried. "I was trying to get to talk to you the whole time you were in that damn orphanage and they wouldn't let me! I thought that you hated me!" Oh yeah, I thought. We had a huge fight the day I had to go to the orphanage.

"Ali..." I sighed. "I remember the fight, and it was over something so stupid. Do you remember it?" Ali thought for a second and nodded, a smile forming on her lips. "Yeah." She said, giggling slightly. "You were trying to find a boyfriend and I was trying to help you with Kenny." I nodded smiling. "So, are we still friends?" Ali asked. I shook my head. "No, we're best friends." I said smiling. Ali and I hugged and Pan and Felix walked behind us. "Cassie, you have a half hour until I have to get you home." Pan said as he kissed my cheek. I nodded. "Okay." I said. Ali looked at me. "Wanna go swimming!?" 

After a request for a few new characters, I decided to spice up the story a little! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I really liked writing it. That better be a good cliffhanger because I'm not that good at writing them. Please, PLEASE tell me what you think of this chapter. Thank you to everyone who voted for this story and likes it. It means a lot! 

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