Chapter Eleven

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I totally forgot that I had to ask my mom about stuff like that. I had no idea what to do or say. My mom walked up and grabbed my face to look at my nose.

"Why did you do this??" She asked.

I shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

"Why would you do this without my permission?" My mom was furious.

"Mom, I just thought -" She cut me off.

"You just thought about putting a hole in your face??" She raised her voice.

"It was my idea." Pan said, stepping up.

"You made her do this?" My mom seethed. Pan just nodded guiltily.

"I knew you were going to do something like this!!" My mom yelled at Pan. "You cant change! I thought you would but you never will! You're still evil!"

I just stood there, speechless. I knew Pan had a bad rep, but he did change. It was a stupid mistake. Everyone makes stupid decisions. He wasnt evil anymore.

"Mom, he did change. It was just a stupid -"

"I dont want to hear it Cassie!" My mom said. "You're grounded and you are forbidden to see or talk to Pan for two weeks!"

Two weeks?! I couldnt talk to him for two whole weeks?! I sighed.

"Fine." I said.

"Good. Now lets go home." My mom said.

"Can I just say goodbye first?" I asked. My mom sighed and nodded.

I turned to Pan with teary eyes.

"Babe I'm so sorry. I didn't think this through." He said, his voice cracking.

I nodded. "I know. I didnt think this through either."

We hugged and Pan kissed my head. We stayed like that for a minute before Pan pulled back a little.

"I love you Cassie." He whispered. My heart jumped. That was the first time he said that.

"I love you too Peter." I said back. We kissed softly and I sighed.

"See you in two weeks." Pan said.

"See you in two weeks." I replied.

I turned and walked home with my mom. She was telling me that I wasnt allowed out of the house and I had to help clean around the house for the two weeks. I didnt want to extend the grounding period, so I just nodded.

Dinner consisted of pizza ordered from the local pizza shop. I barely had an appetite so I just picked at my pizza. I ended up taking all the pepperoni off and just staring at the pizza.

"Cassie, eat your pizza." My mom said.

"I'm not that hungry. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I'll save you a few pieces just in case you do get hungry." My mom said. I nodded.

"Thank you." I said softly.

I sighed and put my piece of pizza back into the box. I went upstairs and took a long shower and then went into my room. I had no intentions to go downstairs and watch TV. Besides, there wasn't anything good on.

I went into my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed and took out an old journal that I had from the orphanage. I hadn't gotten the chance to write in it yet, so I was going to take the opportunity to write a little.

Is it possible to die from a broken heart? I wouldn't be shocked if it was. The past few days have been pretty busy to say the least. I got to dye my hair pink, got to see my old friends, and I got to get my nose pierced. The nose piercing would have to be the stupidest thing I have ever done. It was Pan's idea, but it was my fault that I didn't ask my mom about it before I got it done. Now, I'm grounded and can't see Pan for two weeks. It really sucks because he makes me happier than I have ever been. With him, I don't have to fake a smile. I'm actually smiling when I'm around him. He makes me genuinely happy. He actually told me he loved me today. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I was when he told me those three words. I actually think I'm in love with him. Peter Pan isn't evil. He was just a lost boy looking to belong. Now, because of my stupidness, I can't see my best friend for two weeks. I have no idea how I'm going to go this, but I'm going to get through those two weeks. I hope these two weeks go faster than ever. I can't stay away from the source of my happiness for that long. I don't know if I'll survive. Oh well. I'll just go by a day at a time. 

I put the pen down and closed the book. I felt my eyes water again and I lay my head on my arms. I sniffled and closed my eyes. I sat there for about a half hour, crying my eyes out, before I eventually fell asleep. 

I have had such writers block for this story it's not even funny. I'm hopefully going to update a little more now that I got something down. But, I really hope you guys like this update. The next chapter (or chapters idk yet) may have a trigger warning. If you are easily triggered, please, I beg you do not read if it will hurt you. I am always on here and tumblr. If you ever want to talk, please message me on here or Tumblr. I promise I will help you to the best of my ability. I really hope you guys liked this chapter and the next ones to come. I'm gonna write the next chapter right now. Thank you for reading!!!

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