Chapter Three

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It's been two days since I last saw Pan. I was beginning to think that he wasn't going to come visit me. I sat on the couch in my house when there was a knock on the door. I jumped up to get it. I opened it and it was Pan. I smiled and he hugged me. "How you been since I last saw you?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Okay, I guess." I said. "Wanna go to Neverland?" Pan asked, a little excited. I giggled. "Sure, let me tell my mom I'm going somewhere." I said. I walked to the steps and yelled up to my mom. "Mom!" I yelled. "I'm going out!" I waited for a responce. "Okay honey! How long will you be gone?" I looked to Pan and he shrugged. "Two hours!" I yelled. "Alright! Be safe!" I smiled and walked to Pan.

"Ready?" Pan asked. I nodded. We flew to Neverland and we were greeted by Pan's head lost boy, Felix. "Hey lovers." He greeted, earning a shove from a blushing Pan. I smiled and greeted him back. "Hey Felix." I said. He smiled at me and then looked at Pan. "So," Pan said, turning to me. "What do you wanna do?" He asked. "Anything." I replied. "As long as I'm with you I'm fine." Pan blushed and I smiled a little. I think he actually likes me. I wasn't sure if he did or not, but I wasn't going to take any chances. He may have told Felix that he has feelings for me, and he may have not.

Pan and I decided to take a walk around Neverland for a while. We got to a lake, and we were skipping rocks accross the water when Pan looked at me and sighed. "Can I say something crazy?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "Sure." I said. He looked back to the water, and sighed. "I like you." He said. "Can I say something crazy too?" I asked. Pan nodded, looking at me. "I like you too." I've never seen someone smile as much as he did right then. "You do?" He asked. I nodded. "You're nice, funny, and acutally everything I look for in a guy." I said. Pan smiled and looked down at his shoes.

"I know this is probably a stupid question, but will you be my girlfriend?" Pan asked me. I looked up at him and I was shocked. "Yeah." I said smiling. "R-Really?" Pan asked, looking at me. I nodded and giggled a little. Pan smiled and sighed. "Wanna go back to the guys?" He asked. I shrugged. "Alright." I said. We walked back to the guys, holding hands the whole way.

When we got there, they were all sitting around. Pan cleared his throat and they all jumped and looked at us. "Ohh, Pan got the girl." Felix cooed. "You best your lost asses I did!" Pan said smiling. I giggled and Pan threw an arm around me. Felix walked over to us and smiled at me. "Well, looks like we got ourselves a lost girl." He said. I smiled and shrugged. Pan put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him. I put an arm around his waist and Pan smiled at me. We decided to joke around with the lost boys for about a hour, and when we were in the middle of an intense game of hide and seek, Pan and I hid in a tree.

"They won't find us here." Pan whispered. I smiled and Pan smirked. He kissed my nose and I blushed. We started kissing, like really kissing, when we lost our balance and fell out of the tree. "Oof!" I landed with a hard thud. "Pan and Cassie sitting in a tree!" Felix sang. Pen got up and shoved him. I got up too and I noticed that I scraped my knee. "Crap, you're bleeding." Pan said, looking at my knee. I looked down at it and I shrugged. "It'll heal." I said. "Not if you keep it open." Pan said. "Come with me." He took my hand and we walked to a log. I sat down and Pan tended to my 'wound'.

It soon got time for me to leave, and I said bye to the boys and Pan flew me home. We landed on my doorstep and he kissed me. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked as he held my hands. Pan shrugged. "Maybe." He said winking. I smiled and I went to walk into my house. "Hey, how about we go on a date tomorrow?" Pan asked. "Like a real one?"

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