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I...I can't get these memories
Out of my mind
And some kind of madness
Has started to evolve

Dan stayed in touch with Phil as often as he could. He returned to work soon after everything happened, not wanting to, but not feeling like he had much of a choice either. Dan was grateful that Austin had paid him for the rest of the day that Dan had taken off when he was first told of the accident, but Dan couldn't ask Austin to do that any more, so he returned to work the day after everything happened.

Bella quickly sensed Dan's distress and immediately began pestering him to tell her what was wrong. Of course, Dan didn't want to scare Bella by telling her that Phil was in an accident, but he also knew that the next time she saw Phil, he would likely be in a few casts and bandages, so Dan couldn't exactly lie to Bella either. So he explained the situation to her in as light of a way as possible and let Bella talk to Phil on the phone the next time Phil called so she could know that he was okay.

The next couple of weeks consisted of Dan working, Bella being in school, Sarah tutoring Bella a little bit while she babysat - which helped Bella's grades to go up - and Dan keeping as much tabs on Phil's progress as possible. He also tried really hard to concentrate on work as he was getting more and more customers and more people recommended him to others, so Dan was accumulating a lot more customers, and more money as well.

"So just put this on it every few hours," Dan says to a customer he just finished tattooing, handing her a healing salve, "Be careful with getting it wet; showers are fine, but don't go swimming any time soon - not that you would, in this weather. In a couple days it's gonna get itchy, try not to scratch it. Peeling is normal, but give us a call if it gets, like, severely irritated. Any other questions?"

"No, I don't think so. Thanks again!"

"No problem, have a good day."

"You too," The woman says before walking out of Dan's office.

Dan starts cleaning everything up in preparation for his next appointment. He was just a couple of hours into the day and was already exhausted. He hoped that by Bella's birthday he could start taking an extra day off and maybe even cut his hours a little bit. Maybe then he wouldn't always be so tired. Not only that, but he could also maybe spend some time with his daughter and Phil. Figuring out how to date Phil when Dan only had one day off a week and Phil was on the road half the time would be interesting. Then again, Phil likely wouldn't be on the road much anymore after what had happened...

Would the band ever be able to tour again?

The sound of the tattoo shop door opening was about to answer that question.


Dan's head snaps up as he recognizes the voice. Iesha appears in Dan's office, a red cast on her right arm.

Dan's eyes widen, "Iesha!"

"Do you wanna see Phil?"

"What?! Now?!"

"I knew you were working, but he told me to come see what you were up to. We weren't sure if you'd be allowed to see him or if only family would be allowed, but the doctors are saying they'll let friends in too."

"Dude, go see him," Austin says, stepping into Dan's office.

"But...I mean, of course I want to, but I have an appointment and I have to - "

"Dan," Austin says, "You work nearly seventy hours a week; you're the hardest working artist here. Take a break. I'll take care of your appointments, go see Phil and make sure he's okay."

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