Chapter 1: His Departure

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here's the thing...
i wrote this book when i was 10 or 11, so the storyline might not be too great.
i tried editing it to make it better, but soon realized i would have to write the book all over again just to make it better.
and i don't really wanna do that.
i'm not really into yugioh anymore, but it most certainly was one of my top animes when i was in elementary. i didn't want to delete this book because first of all, it's the most read and voted story on my profile... obviously... and second, i wanna be able to look back and remember how...
really dumb i was and yell at myself for thinking i could be a good writer... hah..
warning, not too great of a book, storyline is a little messy, don't expect a lot from a 10 year old... :p
ok... enjoy i suppose.

It is now time for Atem's departure. Silent tears fell from your face. It was hard to say goodbye. You loved him so, but he only saw you as a friend. Téa, on the other hand, also loved Atem. But not as much as you did. Téa always pushed aside her feelings for him, which you thought was foolish because love would always come back to you. But that day, she said something you doubted her mouth would say in a million years.
"I love you, Atem!" She screamed. You were both shocked, and angry. You knew you loved him more, but your love interest never saw your affection. He broke your tension when he softly said,
"I love you too, Téa." And in an instant, he was gone. That moment, your heart shattered into pieces uncountable. Your were an emotional wreck. Never had you felt such feelings. Suddenly, the ground started to shake, very much like your aching soul.
"Let's get out of here!!" Yugi yelled. Everyone started to run, unlike you. You stood there, like a statue. Someone then grabbed you, as the scenery went black.

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