Chapter 2: Yugi

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You woke up with a frightful face. Cold sweat stuck to your body. You looked around at the scene. It looked like a bedroom. Someone then softly knocked on the door.
"Enter." You said. The door opened to reveal a small boy. It was none other, than Yugi. He softly smiled, and walked towards you. You were very happy to see him, but your heart hurt too. He looked so much like Atem. You tried to fight your tears, but they came slipping down your face. Yugi was very concerned.
"Are you ok, (y/n)?" He asked. You were about to nod, but you couldn't resist to shake your head instead. "What's wrong?" He asked. You gave him a sad smile.
"You look just like him..." you whispered. He was confused at first. Then he figured you meant Atem. It was hard to see one of his best friends crying. "I loved him Yugi..." you whimpered. "But he never saw my affection for him....and then... Téa..." you couldn't finish your sentence. Your head ached. You felt like falling, then never getting up. Your heart in pieces no one could count. It was too much to bare. Yugi's eyes swelled. He missed Atem too. He leaned in, hugging you. You clutched onto him, like he was the only thing in the world. You both sobbed, both heartbroken. Your feelings lasted days, weeks, months... A year passed, yet you feel like you hadn't changed.

The next chapter will be taken place a year later.

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