Chapter 9: Do You Love Me?

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2nd Person

                    It's been a few days since you last saw Atem. You tried to contact him a few days ago, but it declined. He must of been busy. How you wished the puzzle had voicemail. You called him again, and this time, it answered. You saw, yet again, a blurry image of Atem. He waved, and you returned it.
"Hello, (Y/n)." He said smiling. You smiled back.
"Hi, Atem." You said. An awkward silence loomed over the two of you. Neither of you knowing what to say. You stared at the necklace.
"Atem.....? Why did you let me keep the necklace?" You asked. He stared at you blankly.
"Like I said, Téa loses things." He said.
"Is that the only reason, Atem?"
Whoa. That hurt a lot. He just gave it to you... just because he didn't want Téa to lose it? He didn't give it to you, because you were his friend? You were angry. You went through so much, and he didn't even care. Atem saw the look on your face. He was frightened.
"(Y/n)...? Is there something wrong?" He asked. Your face burned like the fires of a volcano.
"Yes, there's something wrong! And that problem is you. I gave you my affection! It was so obvious, Atem. Even the others saw it. I loved you, Atem. But you fell for that fake! Téa doesn't really love you, Atem!" You blurted out.
Now it was his turn to turn red.
"How dare you say that about my love!" He shouted. "She loves me, and I know it! Don't you see that she loves me? Can you accept my love for her?"
"No, I cannot, Atem! She does not love you. She just used you to make me miserable. Can't you see she's all fake!?"
"What do you see me as, (Y/n)? A love expert!? How am I supposed to tell? You expect me to know the difference between real and fake?"
The argument went on for a long time. There was lots of yelling and screaming coming from the both of you. You made the final decision.
"I hate you!" You said. Atem stopped yelling, his scared face told you everything. "I guess I have to let go of my dream. Do you still see me as a friend? Because it seems like you don't. Do you even love me!?" You shrieked. You smashed the necklace into millions of pieces. You saw a pleading Atem, telling you not to smash the puzzle.... but it was too late. You looked at the pieces. Not having the heart to throw them away, you instead tossed them into a bag. You threw the bag across the room, and sunk down. You cried gallons of tears. You pounded the wall and screamed,
"Do you love me...?"

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