
326 11 1

1st August 2017
You left last night and haven't come back yet so I guess you're with your new lover huh?He's everything you want.He's skinny I know how you admire that.I used to be skinny like that but I gained some weight and now I look terrible.
No one has ever hurt me as much as you have Julian good job I guess.Good Job in completely ruining my Life.There's nothing I can be happy about anymore.
This just shows that you should never rely on someone.They'll only hurt you even If they promise you never to and you trust them with your Life,Eventually the day will come.They'll hurt you like hell and at that Moment you wish you never trusted them.I never trusted anyone until you came along.Whatever you did to me worked.I opened myself up to you,I told you everything,All my secrets all my insecurities.That's what I get for believing that I could ever trust someone.I'm not only unlovable I'm also unlikable.You were my best friend...were 

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