
292 11 2

9th August 2017
I never understood why people drink the night away,smoke their lungs black or throw themselves off buildings,but ever since I fell into this dark place of having nothing and no one I get it.
People will do anything to distract their heart.I'm doing the same because I just wanna stop thinking about you and how much I love you.I'm trying my best to get over you because at this Point there's no way that you'll ever come back to me and give us another chance.
Maybe one day it'll be okay though,That's all I want,I don't even care what it takes ,I just wanna be happy again Julian.
But the Truth is that I'll never truly be happy again without you.I hate to admit it but I need you more than anything I ever had and ever will have.

•Notes•//DingDulianWhere stories live. Discover now