Property of Magnus Bane

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"Kiss me, Alexander."

Alec eagerly kissed him and Magnus sank effortlessly into the contact. He could feel the warm skin of Alec's chest pressed against his shirtless torso. It felt wonderful but his focus was on Alec's lips. Magnus was so focused that when Alec moved away just slightly, probably to catch his breath, Magnus's whole body moved forward with him. Their lips only separated for a second.

Alec's lips were at his neck now, Alec's hands trailing lines down Magnus's chest. For such an innocent Alec sure was enthusiastic; Magnus thought he might have died and gone to heaven. Okay maybe that was a tad dramatic but he had always had a flare for theatrics.

Alec paused for a moment and Magnus took the chance to roll him over. Now he was straddling Alec, trailing kisses down Alec's chest and hooking his fingers into the elastic of Alec's pants. Alec's moan did wonderful things to the warm feelings in Magnus's chest as he continued to slowly work at the clasp of Alec's jeans. Magnus felt Alec's impatient hands at the zipper of his jeans. Soon they were both in nothing but their boxers.

The more time he spent with Alec the more possessive his feelings for Alec became. Magnus gave into it and began to pull the soft skin of Alec's neck into his mouth.

"Not there," Alec said, suddenly urgent. "Somewhere no one can see." Magnus released Alec's neck.

"Is that my only restraint?" Magnus asked. Alec nodded. Magnus grinned as a lovely thought occurred to him. Moving down Magnus placed his lips to the soft skin of Alec's inner thigh.

"Oh!" Alec gasped but he didn't flinch back or ask Magnus to stop. In fact Magnus thought Alec moved his legs just slightly farther apart, allowing Magnus's possessive mouth better access.

Magnus sucked hard on Alec's skin. He wanted Alec to belong to him. No one could see this boy's bruises and not understand he was taken. The idea was making his heart pound and his blood boil.

As Magnus sucked his hands came up and pulled on Alec's boxers. Lifting his lips from Alec's skin for a moment Magnus pulled the boxers down to Alec's ankles.

Before Magnus could attach his lips back to Alec's thigh he was being pulled forward by Alec. Strong hands were behind his neck and on his hip. Alec's hand slid into Magnus's boxers without bothering to remove them. Now it was Magnus's turn to gasp as Alec's steady hands gripped him. He wasn't a huge fan of still wearing his boxers since they were at this point rather uncomfortable. Magnus pulled them down with Alec still holding onto him.

Then Alec was kissing him again. Magnus was kneeling on the bed facing Alec who was also on his knees. Their bodies were pressed together so tight Magnus could feel Alec's erection hard against his naval. Alec's hand left Magnus's groin and moved around to his ass. Alec put pressure there, pressing their groins still closer together. Magnus moaned.

"How do you want me today?" Alec whispered like he was serving himself up on a platter. There was an innocence about his request that Magnus could only marvel at.

Magnus wanted to slap a sign on Alec's forehead that read 'Property of Magnus Bane.'

"Oh you delicious deviant," Magnus said. "I want all of you." Magnus moved his body to slide their erections together against their stomachs. Alec's head fell back, his eyes closing as he moaned. Oh Magnus wanted to be inside Alec but he would be tight and Magnus didn't want to hurt him.

"Do you trust me?" Magnus asked.

"Yes," Alec said. "I know I shouldn't... we barely know each other but..."

"Do you remembered what I did last time?" Magnus said. A beautiful blush coloured Alec's skin and Magnus's lips spread in a wicked grin.

"I will take that as a yes," Magnus continued. "If we do that but the other way around you might be sore."

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