Who was at the door?

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Magnus had watched Alec very closely all weekend. Alec was happy when it was just the two of them, Magnus knew, but Alec was also crushed by his parents betrayal. Alec deserved so much more than to be hurt forever by his stupid parents. Parents were supposed to love you unconditionally after all and Magnus knew the pain a parent could give you was not so easily erased. He did not want Alec to bear this pain for the rest of his life.

Locating the Lightwood's home had been easy. Magnus still had Alec's old phone after all and he knew the general area from walking Alec home.

Magnus knew he probably shouldn't do this but that wasn't going to stop him. Magnus alone couldn't be enough to hold Alec together. Alec needed his family too.

The Lightwood house was grand. White crisp siding covered the mansion. The roof peaked high and Magnus suspected there were three floors. The sweeping lawn was so green it looked as if it were painted on. Magnus suspected they had a gardener. He doubted somehow that either Robert or Maryse liked to get their hands dirty, at least with actual dirt. There were flower beds running around the house with a mixture of red and gold blossoms. Every once in awhile there was a blue flower that showed through. The ornate wooden door seemed rather intimidating as Magnus approached. Taking a deep breath, Magnus knocked.

He heard rustling and noises inside and was just starting to wonder if a maid or butler would open the door when the door flew open to reveal a women with the exact same colour eyes as his Alexander.

"Who are you?"

"Magnus Bane, your son's boyfriend," Magnus said. "And you must be Maryse."

"How?" she asked stunned.

"You have his eyes," Magnus stated.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to talk to you and Robert," Magnus said. "About Alec."

Maryse stared at him but Magnus couldn't decipher the emotion behind her gaze. She did let him in however.

"Who was at the door?" Magnus knew whose voice it was before Robert turned around the corner.

"This is..." Maryse said then stopped as if saying Alec's boyfriend was just not possible.

"Magnus," Magnus said holding out his hand. Robert didn't take it.

"You are the reason our son isn't answering his phone," Robert said coldly.

"I told Alec to answer his phone," Magnus said. "But he refused."

"I don't believe you," Robert said. "Everything was fine before you."

"I don't care what you think of me," Magnus said firmly. "And I don't care what emotions are motivating you. All I care about is Alexander. If you force him to choose between his family and who he is you will break him."

"You are the one making him choose!" Robert said.

"If you want to believe that I can't stop you," Magnus said. "But you are dead wrong."

"What do you mean?" Maryse asked. Magnus could tell just from her expression she was far more reachable than Robert.

"Alec loves his family so much. I can't bear to see what losing you is doing to him," Magnus said. "So I came here to ask you... to beg you to try and accept him. Try to understand him because he deserves better parents than you."

"You love him," Maryse whispered, her hand over her mouth as if this shocked her more than anything.

"My love for Alexander is not in question," Magnus said. "Yours is."

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