Our Love is Forbidden

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After his rather embarrassing display outside Isabelle's house Simon's life drastically improved. Isabelle Lightwood was his girlfriend and everyone in school did a double take when they saw Izzy holding his hand. He loved the feeling of having her next to him and it was made all the better by the strange looks his classmates gave him as they saw Simon sitting next to her at lunch. He loved walking home with her after school. He loved hanging out with her on weekends. He loved the way she furiously protected her brothers, even if Alec wasn't super fond of Simon. He loved being Izzy's boyfriend.

He was starting to think he loved her... but no need to say that so early and freak her out. For now he was holding her hand in the halls, kissing her on the soccer field and inflicting ShadowQuest on her.

"Simon I don't get it?" Izzy asked without turning her eyes from the TV. "Why are we killing vampires when you are a vampire?" They were sitting on Simon's couch playing his Xbox and Izzy had just finished making her rather stunning avatar. She chose the angel warrior and Simon hadn't really been surprised, since Izzy was an angel herself.

"My avatar is a vampire," Simon said. "These are NPCs."

"What's a NPC?"

"Non-player character," Simon explained. "They are just part of the level."

"When do I get to whip things?" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.

"You aren't supposed to have that," Simon said. "It's not one of the basic weapons. You can't wield it until you are a higher level."

"No fair," Izzy pouted. "Why did you give it to me then?"

"Because you wanted it," Simon said leaning forward to place a hand on her back. She turned to face him and her pout easily shifted to a grin. Simon kissed her smiling lips, which softened under his touch. He loved it when he got this reaction out of her. She threw her arms around him and he felt the hard plastic of the controller dig into his back but he didn't care because Izzy was in his arms.

"Let's not play this silly game anymore," Izzy whispered into his ear. "Let's just make out." Simon's throat made a noise beyond his control as she leaned forward more, forcing him onto his back on the couch. Izzy thankfully had the good sense to put the controller down. Simon wrapped his arms around her greedily as they continued with what had quickly become his favourite activity.

The joy of holding Isabelle without the feeling she was out of his reach, without the fear she would vanish at midnight, was new and wonderous. She was so solid in his arms now. His body soon became aware she was actually on top of him and he tried to make her sit up. This led to her pouting again.

"We are in the living room," Simon reminded her.

"You have a bedroom right?" Izzy grinned.

"My mother is home," Simon hissed.

"We'll be quiet," Izzy winked at him. Simon gazed at her, his teenaged hormones battling with his good sense. They had just gotten back together. His mother was home. He had nothing resembling protection anywhere in the house though he realized Izzy might. But most of all he was thinking about that fact that Izzy might! Izzy had experience in this and he had none. Simon knew he would be horrible at it and didn't want to disappoint her.

"You want me to see that movie with you right?" Simon said.

"Yes," Izzy sighed.

"And the deal was you try playing ShadowQuest and I go to see that chick flick with you."

"It is so not a chick flick!" Izzy exclaimed. "Its called Clockwork Angel and it's super intense and based off those books I keep reading. You will like it. Promise!"

"And I know you will like this game," Simon countered.

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