My Boyfriend

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Alec felt safe and loved in Magnus's arms. He ignored his sister's silly jibe. Who cares if he was dumb to throw his phone across the room and shatter it. Magnus had fixed it. Magnus could fix anything. Alec was stronger with Magnus beside him. He could face anything as long as he had Magnus, even his parents.

"We should probably head home," Alec said to Izzy.

"Probably," Izzy said. "But for the record I am not looking forward to this."

"At the very least we should go to the hospital to see Max," Alec said. "He might be awake."

"He wasn't awake when I called mom this morning," Izzy said.

"Was she still at the hospital?" Alec asked.

"Yeah," Izzy said. "So it's only dad at home."

"Great," Alec said sarcastically. "Maybe we should just stay here then."

"As much as I love having you here, darling" Magnus said, smiling. "You can't hide from your parents forever." Alec sighed. Magnus was right.

"Let's go Izzy," Alec said. "If everything falls apart we will just come back here." He grinned at Magnus who had the most adorable look on his face at the prospect.

Alec laughed, still smiling at Magnus's reaction, as he and Izzy headed to the door. It wasn't until he felt Magnus's hand on his shoulder that Alec realized Magnus had followed them.

"Be careful love," Magnus said. "Call or text me if you need me alright?"

"Alright," Alec said back. He kissed Magnus sweetly on the lips and walked out the door with his sister.

They walked down the street without speaking for a while and Alec noticed the farther away he got from Magnus the less sure he was about confronting his father.

"What did you and Magnus talk about on your walk?" Alec asked. He suspected a private chat with Izzy had been Magnus's motivation for leaving him behind but he also needed a distraction, anything to stop him from picturing his father's face when he had said the word phase.

"Oh you know," Izzy said. "Girl talk."

"Magnus is not a girl," Alec said. "Don't let the nail polish and makeup fool you."

"We talked about you silly," Izzy said, laughing. "Magnus wasn't sure if he should ask you to be his boyfriend or not. I told him if he didn't I would!"

"That explains him kicking you under the table," Alec said chuckling. "I was wondering about that."

"Yep," Izzy said. Alec couldn't think of another distracting topic. In the silence that followed Alec couldn't stop his thoughts from straying. Possibilities and worries went round and round in his head until he had to voice them.

"What if dad won't even talk to me?" Alec asked.

"Oh if there's one thing dad can do it's talk," Izzy said. "Or at least yell."

"Okay so what if all he does is yell at me?" Alec asked.

"Yell back?" Izzy said.

"And then what?" Alec asked.

"Storm out?" Izzy said, as they walked off the road and onto their front lawn. "Though that is usually my thing."

"Either way I have Magnus," Alec whispered to himself as he opened his front door and entered the house. He thought maybe his sister heard him from the smirk on her face.

Their father was there, sitting in the big arm chair in the living room. He was on the phone but hung up as soon as he saw them.

"Where have you been?" Robert said as he ran over to them. Alec was surprised when his father hugged him and Izzy. Robert didn't usually hug. "I have been calling around looking for you. You weren't at school today!"

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