Lost All Privileges

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This was the strangest wedding Alec had ever attended, not that he had ever attended a wedding before.

Alec saw Jace run after Clary toward a screaming Jocelyn. The police were arresting who Alec could only presume was her son. Alec didn't know what to think of this whole thing and hadn't managed to decided what to say, if anything, when Jocelyn stood up and ran out the door. Alec waited for a while to see if she came back but once everyone around them started to get up and talk amongst themselves Alec felt the desire to do the same.

"What's happening?" Alec asked as he stood up.

"An arrest it would seem," Magnus said absently. "Not a usual occurrence at wedding I'd imagine though this is the first one I have attended." He paused as if in thought. "Maybe all weddings begin with arresting the ex husband."

"I doubt most weddings have an ex husband," Alec said rolling his eyes.

"I'm gonna go talk to Jace," Alec told him then turned and headed down the aisle.

"Hey," Jace said when Alec approached.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"Not a clue," Jace said. "But I think Clary might." Alec turned to face Clary but she didn't seem to be listening to them. Alec waved a hand in front of her face but her eyes remained glazed over.

"Stop it," Jace snapped and hit Alec's hand away. "She just saw her father for the first time. Give her a minute." Alec opened his mouth to remind Jace that he had just seen the man responsible for his father's death but thought better of it. It was pointless to make Jace think of himself when Clary was in distress.

Jocelyn burst suddenly through the doors. She had a triumphant look on her face and held a few sheets of paper in her hand.

"How did you get him to agree?" Luke asked, awed.

"Traded him for a few pictures of Clary as child," Jocelyn said. "That man does care about family in his own twisted way. And the police helped me intimidate him." She laughed loudly as if nothing could bring her down in this moment. Alec thought this strange since she had been crying her eyes out only moments ago. Alec would never understand women.

"I doubt you needed much help," Luke said. "Are you sure the charges will stick?"

"Yes," Jocelyn said. "He has been leaving a bit of a trail lately. They know he has been working with hackers to infiltrate the government. One in particular with a bad rep seems to have sold him out. And even if he weaseled out of those the kidnapping charge is enough to get him a nice long sentence." She smiled then added. "And they aren't charging Jonathan with anything. Though he does seem a little blindly loyal." Her smile faded as worry replaced it.

"None of that," Luke said stroking her face. "It's our wedding day."

"Let's get married then," Jocelyn said. She kissed Luke briefly then, grabbing his hand, ran up the aisle.

"Everyone sit down!" Jocelyn yelled as she ran. Alec walked back to his seat beside Magnus all the while digesting what Jocelyn had said. Valentine was working with hackers...

Izzy and Simon sat on Magnus's other side. They both looked just as confused as him.

Wasting no time Luke and Jocelyn started right back up where they had left off. In no time at all they were pronounced husband and wife.

As people started to rise and talk again Alec turned to Clary. This time she seemed more responsive.

"What's going on?" Alec asked her.

"Mom and Luke planned a fake wedding," Clary explained. "To catch Valentine."

"Wait what?" Izzy said turning to pay more attention to the conversation beside her. Jace was also listening closely.

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