Let's Stay Friends

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"Now that I have you all alone," Izzy said with a wicked grin on her face as she closed her bedroom door.

Simon wasn't as surprised anymore when she kissed him. He was however surprised when they fell onto her bed and she pulled him down on top of her. She didn't release his lips so he couldn't ask her what she was thinking.

He was thinking, oh my god her parents are downstairs.

Simon had just met her parents at dinner yesterday. It had been a rather awkward meal but Simon had, he hoped, managed not to embarrass himself too badly. There had been one intense moment when Izzy had said he was in a band but Simon had quickly corrected her and said he was sort of not in a fake band so her father didn't think he was a bad influence.

"Oh, Lord Montgomery, what do you mean to do with me in this bedroom when you have me all alone?" Izzy said dramatically suddenly flipping them. Now she was straddling him which somehow made her words make even less sense. "An innocent maiden, and unprotected? Is my virtue safe?"

"I, ah—what?" Simon said, temporarily deprived of vocabulary. It was certain at this point Izzy was no innocent maiden.

"I know you are a dangerous man," Isabelle declared, "Some call you a rake. Everybody knows you are a devil with the ladies." She was eyeing him like a cobra considering making a snack out of a mongoose. Simon felt a little like a piece of meat.

"I pray you will consider my innocence," she breathed against his neck. "And my poor, vulnerable heart."

Something clicked in Simon's head and he understood what the heck was going on. This was like role-playing in D&D, but potentially much more fun.

"Lord Montgomery considers nothing but his own desires," he said a little more awkwardly than she had but still he was proud of himself for keeping up. "I'll tell you something else. Lord Montgomery has a very large estate . . . and pretty extensive grounds, too."

Isabelle giggled. "I didn't expect you to get quite so into this."

"Lord Montgomery always surpasses expectations," Simon said, seizing Isabelle around the waist and rolling her over so she was beneath him again, her black hair spread out onto the pillow. The familiarness of role playing seemed to be giving him confidence. "Mothers, lock up your daughters, then lock up your maidservants, then lock up yourselves. Lord Montgomery is on the prowl."

Isabelle framed his face between her hands. "My lord," she said, her eyes shining. "I fear I can no longer withstand your manly charms and virile ways. Please do with me as you will."

Simon wasn't sure how much of this was acting and how much wasn't but he couldn't resist kissing her. It was the first time he had initiated their kiss, which made it better somehow.

He was above her and he was kissing her.

This change in control was making everything more real to him. Now Isabelle was not only his beautiful fantasy but also someone who he was on equal footing with if only for a moment. And Simon realized something, he was going to choose Izzy. He felt horrible about Maia but they had mostly been playing video games after all. Maybe she shouldn't be so upset.

Simon must have been rather wrapped up in his thoughts because he wasn't really sure what happened next. Izzy had her hands under his shirt one moment then his shirt was lying on the floor the next. She pulled her own shirt up over her head and dropped it by the bed.

"The bra is yours," Izzy whispered against his cheek. "If you can get it off." Simon gulped. Was he the only one very aware that her parents were down stairs?

"Unless you don't want to," Izzy said. She was beautiful, sexy, unreal and beneath him. Oh he wanted to for sure.

"Your parents are downstairs," Simon whispered.

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