Chapter 3 Have I ever had it?

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                                                   Chapter 3

My head was resting on a broad shoulder, while my arms were wrapped around a neck. I hid my face into his back and then opened my eyes, peaking from above. He had blond ruffled hair. Do I know any guy that I’m close to that is blond? Am I being kidnapped!? I look over the shoulder and he turns his head, lightly smiling at me. Trent.

                “Um... hi,” I awkwardly said.

                “Are you sober now?” He asked looking ahead. Sober...? I looked ahead to where we were heading and realized we just came out of a building, walking toward a red car that could have belonged to Sirius. The parking lot was filled.

                “Sober...?” I questioned.

                “Yea, sober...” He cleared as his voice dragged on “You don’t remember do you?” Remember what!? Sober as in I got drunk before!? I don’t get drunk! I don’t drink! Where in the world are we anyways!?

                “I don’t drink,” I told Trent.

                “Then maybe somebody spiked whatever you were drinking,” He suggested. Who would want to do that?

                “Why...?” I asked.

                “I don’t know. Just so you find out now and not later... They expelled you,” Trent whispered. What...?

                “I got expelled?” I repeated.

                “Yea, expelled,”

                “How’s that my fault that some idiot made me go drunk?”

                “It’s not. I guess if you can find proof of that they’d let you in...But even so. You punched a girl, tackled a guy and broke his arm. You convinced the principal to change the school color to red and then got paint from the art department and made your math classroom look like someone was murdered,” he admits. My lips remained locked as my eyes popped. The whole scenery ahead of me faded into nothing but memories that I couldn’t remember. Even so, I’d have to say making it look like somebody was murdered in math class is a nice touch. Yet... I got expelled. No, not suspended, expelled. Oh god... I’m so embarrassed.

                “Nobody videotaped that did they?” I asked.

                “They did,” Trent automatically said. Couldn’t he lie to me and say they didn’t and everybody will forget by tomorrow? He eventually stopped at the front of Sirius’ car. The driver seat opened and Sirius came out and met eyes with me. I shifted my eye contact away and stared at the pavement. I told Trent that I would be fine to walk and he let me go. Shamefully I stared at the pavement as I entered the passenger seat, huddled up my legs into my stomach and decided to keep silent. Sirius began to start up the car and then drive out of the parking lot. I couldn’t even explain how awkward and embarrassing the situation made me feel.

                “Rienne, it wasn’t that much of your fault. Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Trent assured “The girl you punched was the school slut, that guy you tackled was cocky football player that bullies and the teacher in that math classroom, is a pedophile. He tried to take advantage of you being drunk. There just isn’t enough proof to proof it.” He sure knows how to make a person feel better.

                “Oh... Well then... At least I got revenge,” I shrugged and beside me Sirius laughed. I could feel the mood shift.

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