Chapter 4: Broken & Bruised

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Chapter 4: Clawed & Bruised

The mess of college students were scattered all over the forest. There was litter everywhere, thrown beer bottles, cups, and many other things. No wonder the wolf wants vengeance. If nature was being harmed and I was living it, I'd go crazy as hell. I'm already upset. Do they have any idea how long it takes to decompose all of this?'s not like I can do much about it. It's not like I can yell at drunk college students to pick up their shit.

A male easily tossed a beer bottle behind him. The bottle shattered into shards against the tree and I could hear what sounded like a dog. Bastard. I rose from the unstable chair and moved toward the shadow of the tree and saw the wolf's head poke out. I recognized it as Trent's wolf. I bent down and looked at the wolfs angered eyes as they grew sad. I looked over its paw and saw glass from the beer bottle. That bastard is going down! I pick up Trent's wolf with the strength of a body builder and rose from where I stood. My motive controlled the movement of my feet. Instantly, my mouth opened as if someone was controlling me to speak.

"That's it bastard! You've done it!" I barked out holding up the wolf and then noticed he wouldn't even bother to turn. My muscles became tight as I gained no attention. A vein on my forehead was about to pop. I struck my leg up at the crotch. A feminine scream echoed in the air as the rest of them grew silent. Neil, Diarmid, Adrian and Sirius were looking at me bagged eyed. Something told me they thought I was drunk again... The animal abuser turned his back to face me with a face so red that it matched my shirt.

"What the hell is wrong with you bit-!?" He growled but as soon as he met the eyes of the wolf, his redden skin turned pale as paper and his eyes grew wide. I narrow my eyes at him and raised the wolf's paw.

"Because you're fucking littering you hurt a poor defenceless innocent animal! It's got a cut on its leg! It was just fine before! People like you are the reason they're people being killed! And frankly I don't give a shit if you're mysteriously gone next morning you dick! Apologize! NOW!" I yelled loudly and then raised the wolf a little higher, gazing around the crowd "This is what you've people done by littering! Harm mother earth, sure but not it's animals! I am done." I heavily breathed out, and held the wolf closer to me, holding it like a baby and petting it's back.

"You'll be fine. I'll go take you to a vet, okay...?" I mutter and frowned. I looked around to meet feared eyes. Not even chatter amongst each other. Who knew I had this much effect on people? I should be a motivational speaker. As seconds past by of their eyes alienating me, I felt as if they were up to something.

It'll be fun, they said! It'll be safe, they said! Just don't drink and it's fine, they said!

Liars! All of them! Lies!

I end up walking a dark lonely path down an unknown forest path with Trent's deep brown wolf alongside me. I began to drag my feet through the mud and wrap my arms around my chest of the cold and of the fear of what may come ahead. I was wet from liquor thrown at me, and some mud because they couldn't find anything better...although, I think one of them threw poop at me. Yea... I felt like crap. Literality. And guess what? Neil did nothing. He just watched, just like everyone else. I always fix these situations but this time, it isn't someone else, it's me.

Something wet ran down from my eye. I gaze up into the sky and found no rain. Well, I know I'm not crying because I don't cry for something this stupid. I did the right thing. I bit my bottom lip and kept on moving forward but feeling the shadows of the trees and the darkness consume me. It was so lonely... Just like that dream.

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