26. Disbelief

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"Do you remember when you took me to Kermit's funeral when I was still in high school?" I ask Josh, leaning up against the bathroom counter while he ties a tie around his neck.

"Of course I do" he replies. "And I'll be here for you today just like I was all those years ago" he smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. "I love you."

"I love you too" I reply, reaching up to peck his lips as the doorbell rings. "That's probably my mom" I pat his chest and wander down the hall to open the door. "Hey mama" I smile softly when my eyes land on the blonde woman.

"Hi baby girl" she replies, stepping inside and pulling me in for a hug. "How are you holding up?" she asks worriedly as she lets me go and looks at me intently.

"I'm okay" I shrug. "It's been difficult but we're getting through it" I smile as Emma comes rushing down the hallway.

"Grandma" she exclaims.

"Hi there baby girl" my mom smiles, kneeling down in front of my daughter. "How's my favorite granddaughter?"

"Grandma, I'm your only granddaughter" she reminds her making me chuckle as Josh struts into the living room in his black dress pants and black pinstripe button up.

"Thanks for watching Ems mom" Josh smiles as he kisses my mom's cheek. "We appreciate it."

"Anytime dear" she replies sweetly, holding my daughter's hand in her own. "We'll both see you when you get home."

"Thanks mama" I hug her and grab my clutch and Josh's hand. "We'll be back soon baby" I kneel down and pull my daughter into a hug.

"Mommy you're squishing me" she complains making me smile as I kiss her cheek before pulling away.

"I love you" I blow her a kiss.

"Love you too mama" she says adorably before Josh ushers me out of our house. We head down to his truck and he helps me in before going around to jump in on the other side. We ride in silence to the funeral, our hands intertwined all the while. When we arrive we climb out soundlessly and walk inside.

"Holy cow" I exclaim as I look all around. There are flowers adorning every surface imaginable and Dylan is sitting in the first pew all by himself.

"Jesus" Josh mutters.

"Where is Callie?" I whisper confusedly.

"Maya." I turn to face Matt looking dapper in a white button up and black dress pants. "It's good to see you. How are you?" Josh's arm wraps around me possessively.

"I'm well thank you" I reply politely. "Matt, you've met my fiancé Josh."

"Nice to see you again" Matt forces a smile. Josh gives him a nod and I want to hide of embarrassment. "Have either of you seen Callie? I can't seem to place her."

"Not a clue" Josh replies. "But I'm sure you'll find her. Maya honey, let's find our seats" he says definitively. I shoot Matt an apologetic smile and follow Josh to the pews.

"That was ridiculous. He was being nice."

"You hate Callie and I hate Matt."

"Matt hasn't even done anything."

"Except tell you he has feelings for you and that's more than enough of a reason for me to hate the guy" Josh snips. I bite my lip and he sighs, continuing to pull us down the aisle. We settle behind Dylan and Josh wraps his arm around my shoulders but I shrug him off. "What?" he whispers. "Are you seriously pissed right now?"

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