3 - Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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"Hey there, kiddo." A voice called out from behind me. I groaned tiredly as the voice clicked into place and I realized who it belonged to.

The blonde elf.

"What do you want Will?" I asked as I spun around to meet his stare.

"To talk to you, of course. What else?" I shook my head at his words, rubbing my neck as I answered, "I don't know, Will. Perhaps it's to rob me of the little energy I've got left."

Will looked at me with a slightly puzzled expression. He barely gave me a moment to compose myself before he kept going.

"Well, anyway- I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to lunch. Not me alone of course, but I'm taking Bianca and I thought you might be interested in like, I don't kno-" I held up a hand with a raised eyebrow.

"You're babbling," I paused, studying his rosy cheeks, only now taking note of the fact that freckles scattered across his face and neck, and that I liked them, "Would you get to the point?"

Will cleared his throat, clearly feeling out of place.

"I was just asking you out for lunch. With, of course, Bianca." I took a minute to think. It was a school day, but my lazy old self hadn't bothered to get out of bed anymore than Bianca had, so we both ended up missing school, both of us groaning at that realization as we knew no one would be covering for us. If I was being perfectly honest, I'd much rather go do something a little more productive than eat lunch. But on the other hand, this was a chance for me to get to know Will. Maybe grab some second-hand experience regarding Broadway.

"Okay," I responded finally, waving my finger at him, witnessing him make a fist muttering a 'yes', "But don't you dare touch me. Ever." I finished.

"Why would I touch you?" He asked, slightly baffled.

"I don't know," I muttered, "Just... past experience. I can't deal with physical contact, unless it's, like, consensual." I explained. To my surprise, Will hadn't recoiled, or moved away as though he thought I was going to bite him. No, instead he was nodding along, an understanding smile on his face.

We headed downtown, and I figured that Bianca probably would've headed off to her favorite café, Bobby's Coffee House. I never found out why she took such a liking to it, but I hadn't exactly asked, so it didn't really matter either way. As I'd predicted, Will took a turn onto the street where Bobby's Coffee House lay, and we quickly made our to the door. Light conversation had fallen between us, and the atmosphere at the coffee shop suddenly didn't seem as sullen as it usually did to me. Today is seemed a tad bit lighter- happier, almost.

"Well, what will it be?" A lady at the counter asked us politely. I smiled at her, and pointed at my sister sitting in the very back of the shop.

"We're here together." I said.

"Oh, well then. Why don't you head off over there and I'll be right over with the menus, yeah?" She didn't give me enough time to answer, instead scurrying off to collect what I figured was the menus. I lead Will to the table, sitting down in the bench-like sofa, scooting in as I realized Will had followed me there.

We finally settled down, and Bianca looked up from her own menu.

"You didn't order?" I asked, trying to make casual conversation. It'd be better if I actually got along with my sister's boyfriend, and what better way to do that then when easy conversation kept us occupied?

"Nah, brother dear, I was waiting for you guys to show up."

"Aw, that's sweet, thanks Bianca." Will said. I just rolled my eyes, knowing that if she'd ordered she would've finished by now, unable to resist the goodness of food.

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