5 - The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know

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   "You play the piano?" Was the sentence that shook me out of my thoughts as my fingers came to a sudden halt, hovering but an inch over the keys laid out in front of me. I'd ended up staying the night at Will's, sleeping comfortably snuggled up with at least a dozen of pillows.

  "Y-yeah. A little." I said, turning my body on the seat to look Will in the eye.

  "How come you never told me?" He asked, looking sullen.

   "I didn't think it was important." I replied easily, because technically speaking, it was not a lie. The fact that I played an instrument had never been relevant in any previous conversation. Not that we'd had a lot of conversations, that is. And my playing wasn't really my fault- who would've known Will Solace had an old piano sitting in his living room, awaiting someone wit talented fingers?

"Do you mind if I listen to you play?" He asked, sitting down next to me, pushing me slightly to the right.

"O- okay." I swallowed thickly, feeling a lump rise in my throat for a rather apparent reason.

Piano was the only thing that was mine. No one had taught me, I'd taught myself. No one ever listened- this being the first time someone would hear- for it was made only for my ears. And yet, somehow I found myself trusting Will. I leaned into his gentle touch, his hand placed softly around my waist; I began to play. Shakily at first, but soon I got lost in the rhythm, lost in the sound I was creating.

What finally broke me from my reverie was Will. "Hey, Neeks?"

  "Hmm?" My fingers came to a sudden pause. I hadn't played for such a long time- the pain in my hands was proof of that.

   "You've been playing for an hour now." He said. I blinked. An hour? I was less aware of the world around me than I originally thought.

   "Oh, uh, I'm sorry." I apologized quickly.

   "No, no, I'd love to hear more- but, it's ten, and breakfast is waiting downstairs." He said. I nodded, a soft gasp escaping me as he pulled me up, his hand still resting on my waist. I wondered how long it had been there; how long I'd been unaware of his hands placement. I decided to brush the thought off. It would do me no good daydreaming this early in the morning- would not win me any favors with anyone but my sleep-riddled mind.

It wasn't a secret that I was somewhat of an over thinker; it wasn't an obvious fact, either. But if I for once wasn't, so to speak, overthinking, then Will had been sending me not-so-subtle looks all day. We hadn't even known each other for too long, but those looks- those damn looks had me hooked around his little finger. Never had I felt so smitten with someone so fast (although, perhaps 'smitten' would be a little exaggerated), and it was borderline terrifying.

It felt almost as though I was- and had been for quite some time- teetering on the very edge of a large crevice, and what lay at the bottom was unbeknownst to me. But... adoration, perhaps. I did adore Will just that little bit. He seemed to have such a developed kind of stability to him which I had always craved. For that, I was grateful.

Over-thinker, I thought to myself.

The day, although firmly imprinted in my head, flew by us with no remorse for our energy, and soon enough, Will and I found ourselves sitting in comfortable, untouchable silence. We were sat not too far from Will's house- since I hadn't bothered coming up with a witty excuse that would allow me to leave- on the cold pavement. We were watching the sun go down. Streaks of red, orange, yellow and gold fell across the ground like a waterfall; colors that contrasted wonderfully with the shadows protesting the last light of the day.

I turned to look at the boy with the freckled face.

   "Hey, Will?"


   "I think I'm in love with the sun."

How was this?

Sorry it always takes so long for me to finish these. Really, i am.

I love you!!

Vote/comment if you want!!

tie xx

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