8-That Green Gentleman (things have changed for me)

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   "Di Angelo!" Percy exclaimed once he caught sight of me.

Sporting a nervous sort of smile, I tried to return the greeting, saying, "Chase." I remembered Percy telling me over the phone that the two of them had decided on keeping Annabeth's surname, and I was quite pleased by this. Screw traditional views on women: equality should be universally viewed in a positive light.

   "My man—how long has it been?" Percy asked, gracing me with a goofy grin before pulling me into a rib-cracking embrace.

   "Too long." I answered, relief replacing the worry I'd felt.

   "And Will—I heard you were coming. Happy to finally meet you." Percy said as I pulled away from the hug, glancing at Will reassuringly.

   "Nice to meet you, too." Will said, a look of surprise on his face as he reached to shake Percy's hand, only to be pulled into a hug.

   "What's up with him?" I said in a hushed tone to Annabeth.

She sniggered under her breath, saying, "He's gone all soft since Emily was born." She explained, pecking her baby on the forehead lovingly.

Dinner wasn't anything special—just light conversation with a hint of excitement. We finished quickly, too, which meant that there was time for site seeing.

Will and I left the apartment with a quick goodbye, choosing to stroll through the magnificent city hand in hand.

Will led me to his favorite places: a massive bookstore, a Starbucks and lastly to the theatre Kinky Boots was located at for the moment.

   "Want to go in?" He asked me, his freckles seeming more prominent in the evening sunlight. It was getting a bit chilly now, and I was tempted to steal Will's jacket (which wouldn't fit me at all), but before I had a chance to nick it, he handed it to me, giggling. He must've seen me ogling it (or him).

   "You can do that?" I asked incredulously.

    "Yeah. They know me." Will answered.

   "Then yes, I would love to." I said happily.

Getting backstage, even though the show was going to start in less than an hour, was easier than I expected. Everyone seemed to know who Will was: he was passed around much like a good bottle of whisky, hugging everyone tightly and being welcomed back home.

When they finally took notice of me, Will introduced me as an actor in training, and I blushed so profusely that everyone laughed. Not at me, though, but with me.

We spent about twenty minutes with them, staying to watch the beginning of the musical once they started. We were kicked out eventually, though, and Will had to drag me out of there.

   "You've seen it a hundred times—for Christ's sake, Nico, come on."

   "But—" I began to protest, only for Will to interject.

   "No but's."

When we got back to the apartment, we didn't head up to the Chases' apartment, but continued on to the roof, running up the stairs and laughing like little kids.

It was incredible: the view was over the entire city, the Empire State Building glinting in the starlight.

   "You know when you told me about being in love with the sun?" Will said, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. I dared not shatter the serenity of the moment, so I simply nodded.

   "Well, I suppose I fell for the moon." He said, grinning hard enough for his dimples to pay him a visit. His eyes crinkled up in such a loving way I was sure I'd pass out if my heart sped up any more.

A wind brushed past us, caressing my cheek in an encouraging way, inspiring me to lean forward, till our noses met.

   "I'll miss you so much." I choked out, my throat thick with emotion.

   "Don't focus on the future, Nico. Focus on the present. I'm yours right at this moment."

   "And I'm yours." I said, blinking away the tears gathering in my eyes.

   "I love you." The three words had never felt truer as they left my mouth. Everything felt so right, so clear—and to think I'd had to leave it all behind in less than a week was beginning to get unbearably painful.

   "I love you, too." Will- who had been but a stranger with profoundly curly hair weeks ago- answered.

Surely, if we were meant to be, we'd find each other again once I left.

Thank you for reading!!

It's been quite a ride, writing this and having to go back to see how it all panned out in the end.

It means so much to me that you finished this book—I know it's short, but I planned it to be, so I'm satisfied with it.

Check out my other stories, if you want to, your support means the world to me.

I love you so so much

thalia xx

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