7 - I Have Friends In Holy Places

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   "Are you serious?" I had just announced that I had my parents' blessing for the trip to New York City, and Will seemed unable to conserve himself, giggling and never breaking away from my gaze.

   "Dead serious." My face broke into the biggest grin I'd ever let myself make, and my behavior seemed infectious as Will laughed even louder, expressing his carefree personality, the sound surely carried all throughout the town.

   "Did they say why?" Will asked, seemingly unaware of his hand having landed on my thigh. I didn't mind at all either, though.

   "It's a goodbye kind of thing, I guess. You and I get to go on one last adventure before I move." I explained, doing my very best to hide the worry and guilt in my voice.

   "Well, in that case we've got to make this trip the best you've ever been on." Will said, not letting the seriousness of the situation effect him in the slightest.

   "It will be, regardless of what we do." I fell back, landing on the grassy clothing the hill wore with pride: letting the green straws flourish.

   "And why is that?" Will asked, turning to me, his eyes sparkling like the lake just below us.

   "Because you'll be there." I replied, studying Will's face warmly as it lit up, a light blush coating his freckled cheeks.

I pushed myself up on my elbows, rolling on top of Will. The sun reflected beautifully in Will's eyes. They seemed to be made for each other, the sun and Will.

   "Would you be mad if I said I really want to kiss you right now?" Will asked, looking up at me with adoration.

   "Not at all." I giggled. And just like that, Will's lips were on mine, and I let the world fade out, even for just a moment; I wouldn't let anything break the string of fate that tied the two of us together.

It was simple, really. It had always been. Love found a way, and it didn't care about gender, ethnicity or wealth; nothing could stand in the way of such a strong force. I reckoned it was time for me to accept that. The whole world did, really.


A mere day and a half later, Will and I sat on a bus awaiting our arrival to New York City—a place of hearts and music and love.

Will had looked exhausted once we'd settled into our seats comfortably, and I'd practically begged him to get some shut eye whilst he had the chance, or he would be far too tired to be dragged around bustling streets. I could entertain myself for a couple hours, anyway. It wasn't a big deal. The blonde boy who I was more than surely falling for rested his head on my shoulder, snoring lightly. The landscape unfolded right in front of my eyes outside, and I couldn't help but feel like I held the whole world in the palms of my hands in that moment. I wished the moment would never end, even if I knew better than to pine over the impossible.

It was all going great, and even my head seemed relatively sorted compared to its usual state. There was but one thing I couldn't stop myself from thinking about. It was a person on which I had had a crush on once; someone who lived in the city—someone Will and I were staying over at for the majority of our trip. The nuisance was, namely, Percy Jackson.

He wasn't by any means a bad guy, but he was a bit behind the times, to put it nicely. I had told him about my crush on him, and he hadn't exactly reacted very well. He hadn't done anything unacceptable, exactly, but he had pretended nothing had happened. Somehow it hurt more when he hadn't even acknowledged my feelings. But that was over three years ago now, so perhaps Percy had changed. I hoped he had. I didn't want to bring a potential love interest into his and Annabeth's apartment if he was going to be mad about Will (who was very much as gay as I was) tagging along. Especially if we ended up sharing beds, which wasn't entirely out of the question since their apartment was small and cramped as it so often was in NYC.


We arrived ten past five p.m, and Will hadn't woken (not even for a short time) once during the long trip. Now we were walking down the street Percy lived on. I was excited, having been able to put my worries in the very back of my mind. Will swung our arms back and forth, our hands intertwined in the nicest of ways. We were no doubt bubbling over with excitement—we were in NYC, for God's sake—it shouldn't exactly have come as a surprise. We prattled on about everything we were going to do together, which included mainly of doing touristy things, even though Will had lived here for years.

It wasn't until we stood in front of the apartment door that I truly realized how incredible we could make this—if only Percy had changed. I hoped he had. I really did.

With a quick glance towards Will, I knocked on the door. The only thing that I hadn't quite mentioned to Will was the fact that there was such a thing as Greek gods. Both Annabeth and Percy were demigods, meaning they were of Greek-gods-descent. But Will didn't need to know about all that. Who knows: maybe I'd end up scaring him away.

When the door swung open, it took me a moment to place the face I was looking at: Annabeth. She looked much older now, although it had only been three years since I'd last seen her. It must've been up to parenting, I decided. Living in such a big, loud and brash city with a newborn must've been hard.

  "Nico!" Annabeth exclaimed, balancing her baby in her arms whilst somehow managing to hug me just as tightly as she used to have. "It's so good to see you—aw, you've grown so tall!" She joked.

I pouted at her as I moved back again. "I'm not that much younger than you, you know. I could totally take care of a baby, too." And we both laughed at that, because we knew what a terrible parent I would make at only seventeen.

She turned her head back into the apartment and shouted, "Percy, they're here!" Then she turned back and studied Will warmly.

   "You must be Will, right?" Annabeth said, gesturing wordlessly for us to step inside. She followed us once we had.

   "Yeah, that's me." Will said, as charming as always, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I saw Annabeth glancing down at our intertwined hands discretely, and a smile crept up onto her face.

   "I thought you were bringing a friend, Nico." She said, winking at me.

   "This," I said, gesturing wildly at Will and I, "Is not official."

Will pecked my cheek lightly and said (mostly to Annabeth), "We'll see."

   "Who knows," Annabeth mused as my heart started racing in my chest at the sound of footsteps trailing closer and closer to us, meaning Percy was coming to greet us. "Maybe you will be a dad soon."

I actually updated?? Again?? I know, im as surprised as you are

As you probably already know if you follow me, i just published a harry styles / Matty Healy / nick grimshaw / george Daniel fanfic called CRUEL KINDNESS so if you'd like to check that out, you are welcome to, it would be so awesome if you did <3

You are so so lovely, thank you for reading, it means so much to me!!!

Last few chapters will be up soon, so keep your eye on any coming updates from me!!

Love you so much, vote and comment if you want xxx

tie xx

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