6 - We're So Starving

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Although the one wish I had consistently throughout the year was for school to end, I couldn't help but feel petulantly angered when the last day of the term rolled around; a frown seemed almost permanently stuck on my face, as though I'd had it tattooed on (to be just that bit more dramatic or something along the lines of that).

I was leaving my home town in no less than a week, and I hadn't had any trouble at all pushing my guilt and fear regarding the topic into the very furthest corner of my head, doing my very best to pretend I didn't have to deal with the fact yet. I was leaving—and in doing so, I would leave Will, the most annoying and freckled boy I'd ever met.

"Nico?" My dad's voice called from the living room. I'd been sitting in the kitchen, eating two sandwiches with three layers of Nutella (because, if you don't enjoy life as it is, you'll never live up to your full potential), celebrating my last day in a school I'd been in for the majority of my life in tears. I got up and headed towards the living room without replying; I knew I wouldn't gain anything by doing so.

My dad's eyes were glued to his phone, and so he didn't notice when I fell onto the carpet situated in front of him. He called, "Nico!" And I couldn't be bothered to say anything, so I pocked him on the knee—and for a moment, I thought I'd inflicted a seizure on him. Luckily, he seemed to gain his bearings.

"Sorry—didn't mean to startle you." I mumbled. I couldn't seem to hide how upset I was, no matter how hard I tried. It seemed that being separated from your childhood home did more than just bring reminiscing into the spectrum of things to do before closing the front door for the last time.

"It's alright." My dad said, smiling. He always seemed to smile; I wish he had passed the trait on to me. "Okay, so me and your mum—"

"Mum and I." I corrected.

"Right—your mum and I have been throwing the idea around of leaving a week early. Just to check out the apartment and all that. God knows we're bad at planning. We thought maybe we could get ahead of it this time, though." My dad seemed to notice the expression on my face (which wasn't far off from horrified) and was quick to lean down and take my hands which had been resting on my knees.

"Listen, Nico." He said, prompting me to look him in the eye. "We discussed it, yes—but we know how much you like Will, and—" I blushed profusely, trying desperately to hide my red face by ducking down. "—we thought it only fair to let you go to see that show you love, Kinky Panties or-"

"Kinky Boots, dad." I exclaimed, happy to pretend I was blushing due to his mistake.

"Yes, Kinky Boots. Well, we thought, if you'd like to, that you could take the bus down to old New York City."

My eyes widened significantly, and my mouth fell open, but before I had a chance to thank him and make a fool of myself (arguably), my dad let go of my left hand, raising a finger and said, "On one condition."

"And what's that?" I asked, already counting all the ephemera in my room I'd be willing to give up to go live up to my parents' standards.

"You aren't an adult yet, although you seem to think you are—"

I scowled hard enough for my dad to laugh brightly. "And so, your mum and I would like you to bring Will along with you."

My heart positively stopped beating. I seemed entirely unable to process what my dad had just told me; the moment was far too unreal for me to dare consider his words with even the smallest glimmer of belief.

"Nico?" My dad asked; worry shining through the grin he wore with undying pride.

I shot up from where I sat, exclaiming, "Oh my God, dad—thank you so, so much- I- I'll do anything you ask, anything, I just—"

"Nico." My dad laughed, but there was a feeling of seriousness in the air; a feeling that hadn't been present a second ago. "All I want you to be is happy."

Here's a chapter for you!!

I hope you enjoyed, and im sorry my updates are so sporadic, I've been having a really tough time lately, but im working on that, so hopefully my mental health wont get in the way of an update from now on. Thank you so so much for reading, your continuous support truly means the world to me <3

Love you

tie xx

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