Chapter 2

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The boy looked up at her in astonishment as the others came in behind her. He was wearing Shadowhunter gear. So he wasn't a mundane. He looked dirty, like he rolled around in mud. All the same, Kat could feel her heart begin to speed up, her lips parted as she felt a warm sensation rise inside of her stomach. Kat could only stare back at him. The boy had deep-set eyes and they were a darkish blue. He had short blond hair that fell neatly above his forehead. His frame was lean but he looked very strong. Damon flashed behind Kat's lids, for some reason he reminded her of him. Kat couldn't put a finger on why. Was is it the masculine jawline, his sharp features? The sharp nose? Kat shut up, she thought.

The boy was doing the same thing to Kat as she was to him, checking her out. His eyes on her made her shiver. "Who are you?" asked Jason for Kat, who was at lost for words. The boy looked away from Kat as she blushed. "I'm Will" he stepped towards Jason, to shake his hand. "Will Tudor." Will had an endearing British accent, something Kat deeply admired from a guy. What was I thinking, she thought. Jason took his hand and shook Will's hand, looking confused. At the corner of Kat's vision, she thought she could see him try to move towards her introduce himself. Kat's eyes were anywhere but him.Will Tudor was the most good looking guy she's ever seen.

Emily went over to him, blocking his path to Kat, introducing herself with the most radiant smile plastered onto that sweet face of hers. Emily probably thought he was cute, and she wasn't wrong. Carl had unnoticeably, until now, left the room. Kat interrupted Emily and Will's conversation, loosing her patience "So what Institute are you from? " Emily shot her an annoyed look, Will simply gave her a polite smile which she thought was odd. Kat couldn't help but notice he had nicely shaped cupid bow lips. The question seemed to take him off guard. He let out a moan and Emily let out a concerned noise. Will staggered to the floor, his hand over a spot on his wait and he was out cold.
Kat dashed over to him, her stele gripped tightly in her hand. She pushed everyone out of her way, not even caring anymore where Carl hand went. Too many people around her was too much, she needed to focus on the task at hand.
Kat suddenly cared a lot about this mysterious English boy. If he spoke with a British accent he must be from the London Institute. FOCUS! Kat ripped off his jacket and shirt, in mid action she froze for a second, staring at his abs. On Will's side, Kat noticed, was a gash. She drew a healing Rune as softly as she could. He shifted and moaned, his hands clawing on the floor as if he were in a nightmare. "Kat be careful!" Emily squeaked. "IM PUTTING A HEALING RUNE ON HIM HOW IS THAT NOT BEING CAREFUL?!" Kat yelled. Emily flinched, Jason looked stunned as if Kat had just slapped him. Emily was the nicest person Kat knew and she had been way too harsh for something she didn't deserve. Kat desperately wanted to apologize but she was too distracted with Will. "I'll help you carry him" Jason said. Kat nodded, putting her stele away. "And by the way if you didn't notice Carl headed back to the Institute" he added before grabbing Will by the arm. "I did notice thank you very much" Kat snapped. Jason chuckled. Now that's Jason when he's in a good mood. Kat wounded one of Will's arms around her neck and they both carried him all the way back home.

Kat paced outside the infirmary around dinner time while the others had gone out to get Chinese at Jade Wolf. Will was still asleep, she so baldy wanted to go and wake him up. It had been a few hours since they got back. Before they left Jason said "Don't do anything you won't regret" with a wink. He winked for crying out loud! Kat knew exactly what he meant. Carl had completely ignored her when she watched them leave, Kat knew why. Carl's feelings got hurt easily. He was a Shadowhunter, he should be tough, but Carl was different.
A commotion come from inside the infirmary and Kat ran in the door. Will was standing up off the bed, he was at least a few inches taller than her she estimated in her head. She saw his glass of water had shattered near his feet. "Oh my! Let me help you with that before you get yourself hurt again!" Kat scurried over to him, looking distressed Will sat on his bed. She got the old broom from the closet and emptied the glass into a bag. When she was done he came over to her. She shut the closet door and stared up at him. "Thank you. I'm sorry about that. What is your name?" Will said. "I'm Katherine but everyone calls me Kat and it's no biggie" she said, smiling. He smiled back, the corners of his eyes wrinkling. "So are you from the London Institute?" Kat led him back to his bed while holding onto his arm. "How did you know?" Will asked, his eyes wide. "Oh the British accent gave it away" Kat giggled. Will grinned, the witchlight that sat on the bed side table was illuminating his face, making his sharp complexion stand out more, his cheekbones wshadowed. Will faced her on the bed, waiting for her to talk.
"We didn't get a chance to ask you this. Why were you at that apartment?" Kat sat next to him, adjusting her night gown. She blushed realizing how revealing it was. Will's eyes traced her legs quickly and then were back to her face "I-I Kat I don't know. I know your going to think I'm mad! But I was in London... with my parents when they died and  I think I came in a Portal here..." Kat cut him off from his panicked speech. "Your parents died?" He nodded. "Mine too. From Damon." The mention of Damon made his eyes darken. "I'm sorry to hear that" he said quietly. "They died years ago, I have nightmares about them occasionally. No one really comforts me with them.." Kat's tone was sad and Will caught her emotion. "Do you mind sleeping here? I don't want to be alone. Gah I know, sounds crazy but I have nightmares too. There terrible" Will said. Kat was beyond speechless, he experienced and felt the same way she did. Finally someone who understood how it felt. She really wanted to sleep with him in the sa--- "KATHERINE COME EAT" Carl interrupted her thoughts. "Gah" Kat jumped up, Will stood up after her. "Don't tell me you have food because I'll surely take it all. I'm starving" Will said. Kat laughed "You can have mine if you'd like." He gave her an appreciative smile. Kat's heart skipped a beat. She really liked him. Will. Will Tudor. Will Tudor. Will Tudor.

Will ate the last remains of his fortune cookie, reading aloud what his paper said "Love is like war, easy to begin but hard to stop." Kat stopped chewing her food. Love is like war, easy to begin but hard to stop. Everyone else read there's but Kat kept thinking about the saying. She knew those silly fortune cookies didn't mean anything. "Kat- HELLO. Earth to Kat" Carl waved a hand in front of her face. She blinked "Oh sorry, I was just thinking." Carl laughed, Emily giggled "About what?" Kat looked over at Will, he was looking out the window. Jason said  "Share out what yours says." Obeying, Kat read the same exact lines going around and around in her head "It's the same as Will's; Love is like war, easy to begin but hard to stop." Everyone looked at her in surprise and Will looked amused. "Star-crossed lovers, eh?" Jason smiled, propping his feet up on the table. "These cookies don't mean anything!" Kat objected furiously. "Yeah but do your eyes not mean anything?" Jason backfired. Emily snapped "Jason watch it." Carl got up to throw his food away, clearly not entertained with today's dinner. Will looked over at Kat, she quickly looked the other way. "Yeah alright. What about that Fearie girl you hooked up with last night?" Kat knew with a certainty this would infuriate him. Jason stood up so fast until he was inches away from her "Don't speak of that again Katherine." Emily, who was now on her feet said "Jason is that true?" Will was looking amused, a smile tugging to form on his lips. She wanted him so badly to laugh. Kat could imagine it making her heart loose its control. It would be a beautiful laugh-- "Emily it's none of your business!" Jason's voice rose up an octave. "Hell yeah it is, I'm your sister!" Emily's face was growing redder by the second. Kat looked back to find that Will had loitered his spot. She went looking for him.

Kat somehow wandered into her favorite place; the library. There, on her favorite spot sat Will reading a book with the lamp on. "How'd you find yourself in here?" Kat said as she made her way over to him. "Is it true? Jason slept with a Fearie?" Will asked, ignoring her question completely. "Yeah I was walking around last night and-" Kat started but was cut off by Emily who had now just entered the room "Katherine." She whirled around "Yes?" "Can I talk to Will for an moment?" Emily asked, looking behind Kat. Will brushed past Kat and they left the room.
She wanted to know what Emily wanted. Kat peeked out into the hall and saw Emily kissing Will and he was kissing her back. "Emily you filthy SLUT!" Kat cried, tears close to falling. Emily broke away from Will, pale from shock and surprise. "I can ex--" Emily started. Kat ran off before she could hear no more.

Well. Did you like that? Let me know if I made mistakes, I make them often☺️

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