Chapter 5

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The strobes lights in the club danced about, casting shadows onto Will's face. The music thrummed throughout Kat's body, the whole place was shaking. She watched as Will held a drink in one hand while leading a Fearie girl around in a sexy twirl. The girl had came up to him, drunk and all, lucid with a mixture of potions and asked him to dance. Kat was positive she was using an enchanting spell on him, forcing him to dance with her. Before she interrupted them, Will and Kat had been deep in a conversation about how much they loved Paris. Kat realized she really enjoyed talking to Will, his voice was soothing and attractive.
A clench of jealously watching them dance  made Clary choke on her drink when she swallowed its bitterness down her throat.Will kept dancing, his steps were becoming more wobbly, he kept downing his drink. The girl was too close to Will for Kat's liking, making Kat light headed.

Across the room, Amber and Jules were dancing together in a tight intimate embrace. She wondered if Jules' brother and sisters were behaving themselves back at the Institute. Besides that, Kat felt isolated and alone. She weaved her way through the hot buzzing crowd and sat in a dark corner, hiding in the shadows, hoping no one would notice her. A shadow came from the mass in the crowd, coming towards Kat. Her hand inched toward her boot incase she needed a knife, her pulse quickening. The figure stopped in front of the table and said "Well hello their young lady." When he stepped closer a strong waft of alcohol came off of him. He smelled awful, Kat got up and pushed past him. She heard him say something beneath his breath, too nasty to repeat.

Her head was turning every which way to find Will. Will. Will. Where was he? She kept pushing her way through the shifting crowd, panic rising in her throat. Was the man following her? She realized she had left her drink at the table and thought that she didn't need any more drinks. Kat needed to be on alert. Especially at a place so mixed with Downworlder's, Shadowhunters, and Fearie's. You never knew what could happen.
Kat stopped short when she noticed Will standing all alone, searching the crowd until his eyes settled onto her. The lights flashed across his face, making him look twice as sexy as he was before. Will made his way through the crowd, a few bystanders making room for him. Kat strode towards him and wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do. First his hands came on her hips and then she wrapped her hands around his neck. "Are you enjoying yourself Ms. Katherine?" he asked huskily. "Are you Mr. Will Tudor?" Kat teased. He smiled, ducking his head, when his head came up again his lips brushed hers and she thought this was the moment they would finally kiss. Too soon a voice said in the back of her head.
A loud crash sounded and they both collided, toppling on top of each other. For a moment it was just looking deeply into each other's eyes and breathing heavily in each other's faces. Their bodies shifted across one another, Kat rolled off of him and flipped onto her feet. His seraph blade was lit up, vampires besides him hissed at the sight of it. A crowd of shadowhunters were weaving through the crowd. Towards them. Amber and Jules ran over to them and  in that instant Kat noticed who they were. She'd know those curls anywhere and that buff build, his eyes were trained on her. She would notice her family from anywhere. Jason came to her first "Look I don't know if you two have a thing all of a sudden but you better come back. I miss you. We all do" Jason said, speaking low. A lot of people were staring, the music still playing. Will shifted closer towards Kat to hear, his breath on her neck. "We don't have a thing and we never will! Why do I have to come back?" Kat snapped. She has never snapped at Jason, ever. Someone was suddenly thrown across the room by a vampire, Carl. Kat's heart dropped, she sped towards him, deserting Jason. When she made it to him she began spilling random things "Carl I love you. Please just stop this. Your acting insane." Carl blinked up at her and then his eyes widened, someone grabbed her by the neck and she flew up in the air. She screamed, landing roughly on her back. The vampire who had thrown her was coming at her again. Will stepped out between them. "Will..." she wheezed. He sidestepped every one of the vampires attempts of hitting him, he finally drove the blade home. The vampire let out a brutal sound, the other vampires swarmed around Will. Kat wanted to scream at them to get away. Jules and Amber were sneaking towards her at the side of the scene. Jason and Emily were talking to Carl.

Amber came to draw a healing Rune onto Kat's bareback. "Help Will by the Angel" Kat staggered up on her feet and she got out her only weapons. "I have holy water" Amber said. "How convenient" Kat chided. Amber stepped forward, Jules by her side, Kat following. Amber showed the vampires her bottle of holy water, immediately they all backed away from Will, hissing. Relief filled Kat. "A lot of vampires come here and you never know when this could come in handy" Amber said under her breath. "Yeah" Kat said, moving to Will. "Are you alright? And thanks.. for protecting me" Kat said. Carl and the rest were coming to the area where they all stood. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. And-" he turned around to completely face her "I'll always be there for you. Whatever you need Kat." Carl snickered on the side, his dark gaze on Will. Anger so hot and alarming rose up into Kat she felt like taking her daggers out and actually using them. On Carl. Jason and Emily went over to Jules and Lilly. Carl held out his hand "Lets dance." Kat glanced at Will, he looked down. Unwillingly, she let Carl lock her up tight against a dark corner. "Did you honestly think Katherine that it would be this easy? That I would just let you go?" his voice was dark and menacing, something about it reminded her of Damon. "Just playing hard to get I guess" she said while his lips traced along her neck. Kat let him do whatever he wanted to her, she didn't want to aggravate him. Carl's hands slipped beneath her dress, resting on her butt. "Stop it Carl!" Kat hissed, she was very uncomfortable. "What? You don't like this?" Carl squeezed her butt and that was it for her. She kneed him to the ground, seething with anger. Kat let her dagger fly into his foot, he screamed. She ran out into the streets, never looking back.

Will's feet were heavy as he ran after Kat. The alcohol was making his vision waver, once and awhile he'd have to get back onto the sidewalk because he would sway onto the road. His eyes never left her red hair as he watched her enter the Institute. He followed her in a few moments after.
The door opened to his touch, he closed it behind him. Ahead Kat was rushing into a room. Not waiting he came in. "Will" she chocked out. "He's trying to rape me." He felt his heart melt, her face was crumpled into complete agony. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep him far away as possible from you Kat" he said. Tears glimmered in her eyes, she looked at him before he pulled her in for a hug. Kat began to tremble, like she was letting all of her emotions out on her her. "I can't imagine what it feels like..." The door opened before she could respond. Jason and Emily stood in the door, looking disheveled. "We have to go Katherine. We're sorry" Emily said lowly. "You do know what Carl is trying to do to me right?!" Kat said. Emily nodded, Jason looked like he was on the verge of throwing up. "I'm also terribly sorry about that" Emily enveloped her in a hug. "Call me every day Katherine. I love you" "I love you too Emily" Kat said. Jason gave her a long look of sadness before leaving the room. Kat's heart pounded a sad beat.

Kat had woken up to someone's scream. Sweat was on her forehead, her mind had rehearsed last nights disaster. She got up and went to the source of where she thought the sound came from.
She found Will awake on his bed, head in hands. "Will?" Kat quietly stepped towards him. "Go away, please" he begged, his voice cracked on the word please. "No" Kat urged, close to shedding tears. His voice had been wrapped in so much pain it wrapped around Kat's heart, consuming her in a mess of sad emotions. "Will I have nightmares too you know" she sat on the bed next to him. His eyes followed her every move, his hands stayed at his side. "Stay with me" he rasped. "Always" Kat whispered so quietly Will couldn't of heard. They situated themselves inches apart. The rest of the night they didn't dare touch each other, Kat listened to his calm  breathing all throughout the night and Kat had never slept so peacefully ever since her parents deaths.

Any mistakes? Please let me know, I miss them sometimes.
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