Chapter 10

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The floor Kat lied on was cold and moist. Damon's voice was coming in and out of her hearing, one second it was their and the next it was fading away. Fear and anger was eating at Kat's insides.  She couldn't stand that Will was God knows where probably being beat to the core. If Carl really loved her he wouldn't kill Will.
Kat hated the harsh coldness in her cell. They were in the Tudor manor, underneath it, the chilling basement. It was huge here, their were long corridors that emptied into big rooms. It reminded Kat of the City of Bones. She shivered as his voice came again "Carl you're an excellent fighter, bravo" his voice was coming closer to Kat's cell. Through the slitted iron bars came Damon, wearing a cold smile. Next came Carl, wearing all dark clothes, a witchlight in hand shinning on her. "Here she is" Carl said, he was a shadow to her from the witchlight shinning directly in her eyes. Kat could only glare at Damon. This was the evil mastermind that killed her parents and Will's too. The name Will came along with a shot of pain in her stomach. "Where's Will" Kat croaked. Damon gave out a dark chuckle, like it was some cosmic joke. "Your not coming out of that cell until you start behaving yourself" Carl said, ignoring her question. "Then I'll be in here quite awhile" she stood up. His face hardened, she had to try another tactic. Carl was merely inches away from the bars. "Carl like I said before in the club..I love you..please..please let me go" she pleaded in a low whisper, letting half her fake and real tears fall down her cheeks. Carl's facade of seriousness was wiped away, replaced with a soft one, his eyes searching her face. He unlocked the cell's door, took her hand and led her down the corridor lit with witchlight. Damon trailed far behind.
His men were fools to not of taken her weapons. Carl more than likely trusted Kat, to not use her weapons, which was absurd. She looked behind her to see that Damon disappeared without a trace. Kat took out her last blade and stabbed Carl in his stomach. His eyes grew wide as the moon, collapsing to the ground with a pained expression. His mouth opened to maybe say something but she didn't get the chance to hear what is was before taking her blade back. 

Kat ran, zipping through the dark corridors, searching for Will. When she saw his head of blond hair she almost screamed in joy. Of course guards stood outside his cell. Kat took out her blade and attacked them like she's never done before. She spun, grazing one woman in the neck. Kat was like a twirling dancer. The other guard careened towards her, Kat sidestepped and sunk her blade into his back. The woman stared up her in horror. Kat said "Go and you will live." The woman bolted. "Kat?" Will rasped from his cell. She dug in the dead mans pocket for the key. When she found it, Kat was overwhelmed with joy. Kat unlocked the door just as something came and hit her in the head.

Kat groaned, running her fingers along the bruise on the back of her head. Her head was pounding with shards of pain, along with her heart. She didn't know how long time had passed, it could be the next day. Their was no way to tell without windows or clocks. "You think I'd let you escape?" Damon's voice said from out of the darkness. Kat jumped, she didn't see him their when she woke up. And now she did, Damon was coming through the shadows, towards her. "You killed your beloved Carl, how sick is that" he went on. Kat's heart stopped, she didn't mean to kill Carl. "You killed my parents and Will's along with many other innocent shadowhunters you sick bastard" Kat yelled, fuming with anger. Her whole body was boiling with rage, from Damon and Carl for starting this mess in the first place. "No need to call names" he chided, amused. She wanted to see Will. To see if he was alright. Luckily, she still had her seraph blade. Why were they letting Kat keep her weapons? Kat went off in a daze, ignoring Damon.

Her mind drifted to Carl again. She shouldn't of stabbed him in his stomach, wounding his internal organs, Kat knew that. She was too wrapped up in Will and that had blinded the consequences. Kat pictured Carl, his gray eyes were so beautiful, and she admired his hair. Guilt consumed Kat like a collision that tore apart her heart. Realizing how unbelievably stupid she had been, Kat felt even worse. Carl was doing terrible things but she could of found a way to help him. Kat did a terrible crime. At the same time, she didn't. Damon, Kat hadn't realized was speaking again "Find a way..." he stopped pacing outside her cell. His cold eyes looked her up and down. She had completely missed what he had been saying. From Damon's stare, Kat felt frozen to the ground by his gaze, she locked her eyes with his and glared. "Foolish girl" he opened the door and dragged her out. "You and your companion Will are going to Hell" Damon growled, shoving her down into the darkness.

Will needed Kat now and more than he ever had. His sleep was restless, consumed with the sheer terror of thinking about Kat being hurt by Damon or Carl. His whole body ached from sleeping on the cold stone. His heart ached for Kat.
When Kat had tried to save him he loved her twice as much as he did before. Seeing her fight was like watching the stars but her eyes when they glittered, could not compare to the stars.

Footsteps and voices suddenly echoed throughout the corridor, he pretended to be asleep. "Your the one who deserves to go to Hell" a familiar voice growled. Will's heart began to speed. "Will wake up!" Damon snapped. Will obeyed his command. Kat's face was a mask of terror. What was wrong? "I'm taking you two lovelies to the L.A. Institute to have you Portal to hell. The Great Warlock of London is weak and cant create a portal to Hell. But he will Portal us to the Institute" Damon said. So now Damon didn't want Will as his weapon in war? Forget that. They were safe. Relief filled Will. They were going to be saved. Kat's lips itched to form a mischievous smile. Guards appeared behind Damon, splitting up to take Kat and Will, escorting them into a carriage.

"Are they back? " Jason asked when Kat's friend Amber answered the phone, his voice urgent and wavering. He heard her sigh. He knew it was a no. "But--" she said just as he thought about throwing the phone into the other room across the hall. "Damon is bringing two 'refuges' here to teleport them to Hell. It has to be them" He ended the call and screamed Emily's name. They were going back to the sunny state of California to save their friends and kick Damon's sorry ass.

The whole ride to the Warlocks house had been complete silence but it lapsed in pure joy. Damon didn't know they had allies in LA.  He was a dumber villain than she thought. The carriage bumped over a pothole in the road and her shoulder brushed Will's. Ever since their kiss something different between them formed. He shifted closer to her, his face tense, when she placed her hand on Will's, his expression became became relaxed. Damon sat in the front of the carriage so they had their somewhat limited privacy. Kat was afraid to say a single letter. "Kat I'm sorry I let you down" Will said under his breath. "Will everyone isn't perfect" Kat looked out the window in fascination, not being able to stop herself at London's square. Mundanes bustled about with bags or cameras in hand, oblivious to them. "I let you down" Will repeated, his voice shaking. Kat look at him as he wrung out his fingers in a nervous fashion. What was with him? He was acting so strange.
Kat lowered her voice, bringing her lips close to his ear "We're going to be fine. Your weakness is Damon. Use that as your weapon, all the anger built up from him killing your parents" her voice became fierce "and mine too. To fight him at the best of your ability." she added. Will gave her a smile when the carriage came to a violent stop. They were here.

Damon prodded both Will and Kat on their backs with blades, forcing them to walk into the Portal. On the other side, Kat expected to see Amber and Jules. They had company.

OKOK LILLY/EMILY (KATS FREIND FROM LA) IS NOW AMBER. Long story short my friend logged onto my account awhile back and decided it would be funny to change a name or whatever. Sorry for the confusion.
Also to add this chapter was shit coz I'm SOOOO TIRED.

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