Chapter 17

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Harry spoke for Magnas, his voice taking on a very concerned tone "A boy named Carl was found in New York, wandering the streets without a rune to cover his appearance. Friends of ours from the London Institute that are in New York now, luckily found him and he's looking for you Kat." Each of the words settled into Kat's stomach like coals of red-hot agony. She felt her knees give out, she clutched the nearest kitchen counter. "Who brought him back from the dead?!" she asked incredulously. Everyone blanched at her. Alec took a few steps towards her "Your friend was dead?" he said slowly.  Her head was rolling in waves of nausea as she nodded. Everyone gasped except WIill. He knew that much. Alec's blue eyes darkened "Well you better tell us everything so we can help him out." "Is he here with you?" said Will who was silent the whole time up until now. Kat told everyone what happened in the quickest way possible, careful to not shed any tears. Carl was alive. By the Angel my friend is alive, she thought happily. When she finished telling the story she was sure she would pass out from the thought of Carl being alive. "Holy shit" Alec muttered. Will pulled Kat aside, away from everyone's range of hearing. "Katherine we can't help him. Let them handle it" he started. Kat shook her head fast "No we can't. He's looking for me and if he never gets to see me he won't stop. There's no point in letting them handle Carl. They don't know him like I do" she took Will's hands. She added, muttering "No one really does." Will stayed silent, looking like he was about done arguing with her. Afterall, there was no point in arguing with Katherine McNamara. She always got her way.

 Will led her her back to Harry, Magnas, and Alec, all looking pale and shocked. "Where are you heading next?" Will asked. "Back to New York" Alec said, his thick eyebrows coming together. "Where is Carl" Will questioned. Magnus answered for Alec "Oh there's no reason for you to come to New York. He's already here." Kat gasped "By the Angel! Where the hell is he?" "Respectively waiting for you in the drawing room" Kat gave Will a look, where is that? Also is this the 1700's? He gave her a nervous look, his lips sealed in a pale line. 

"I'll show you the way" Alec suggested. Before Will could protest she followed after Alec. "Thank you, Alec, you're very nice" she said as they eventually made their way to the room. She noticed with amusement, a slight blush painted his cheeks. "No problem." Kat opened the door, her arms shaking. The first thing she noticed was his bouncy curls in front of the window, sitting on a fancy couch. She couldn't find the will to say three words, much less one. Her lower lip wobbled as the tears came, and the sob was growing in her throat. She held back the sob with a painful swallow. Kat let out a noise, it startled her and Carl too. He turned around slowly, a look of painful confusion on his beautiful face. 

"Kat" he whispered. She couldn't say anything back to him. His face was ghostly pale and underneath his eyes were shadows. His hair was longer and his eyes darker than she remembered. He didn't look like her Carl. "I understand if you hate me. You have every reason for it. But I changed for the better" he said, swallowing dramatically. His Adams Apple wobbled up and down. Carl's eyes swam in misery, waiting for her to say something.  "You don't look like my friend" Kat said. His expression was bleak. "Katherine it's me Carl, your best friend who'd tell you horror stories before we went to bed when we were little. Who'd tuck you in at night when you were cold. Who'd give you hugs when you needed them--" he stopped. Kat cried out, the pain in her stomach came again. He didn't dare come anywhere near Kat as she doubled over in agony. His face was grave as he watched from afar, his lips open in an 'o'. 

Everything he said was true. This was Carl. Kat could remember each and everyone one of those memories like counting. She cherished those when she was little. Now Carl was her enemy. He wasn't her friend. "You tried to kill my friends and threatened to kill Will!" she yelled. "That wasn't me! It was all Damon controlling me Kat!" he cried, his expression twisted in pain. Her tone was taut like the string of a violin begging to release notes "How can I believe that?" "I am your friend. I don't lie. I love you Kat." She stared, unblinking at Carl. "I love love you most ardently--" "Don't you dare recite from my favorite movie!" "Pride and Prejudice?" Kat went on, her anger kept building the seconds ticked by. "From the very beginning— from the first moment, I may almost say— of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry." Carl smiled "You memorized those lines, of course." If Kat should feel amused or happy she felt anything but that. She wanted to rip his throat out. To-- She was out of her mind. She would never hurt Carl again, given another opportunity. Carl caught this. Like when they were little he came to give her a hug, patting her on the back. "I-I sort of knew you'd never do anything like this" she sobbed. Her throat was tight with heavy emotions, and her tears that spilled down her cheeks and onto his sweater were hot. "I love you, my friend" Kat dared to say. He was quiet for a minute. "I love you too, bestie" She grinned on his shoulder, laughing out of sheer joy. 

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