Chapter 3

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Kat's knuckles were bleeding from using the punching bag for too long, trying to get all of her anger out. Today no one was in the training room, not even Emily or Jason who came every morning when their wasn't a patrol. Kat guessed since last night they knew she'd be in an aggressive mood. When Kat was mad no one would dare come in her way. Carl said her hair matched her rage, fiery and hot. Someone knocked on the door. She sighed, not really caring who it was and simply ignored it.

Ever since last night Will felt odd walking through the halls of the Institute. Kat had blown off at her best friend last night for kissing Will, and he had no idea why, for Kat had only just met him. He also didn't understand Emily either for kissing him. She had said "I really like you" before diving in for a kiss.
Emily had told Will a lot about Kat when she had gone and left the room to get more stele's when he got hurt, explaining her emotions. He was almost unconscious until the mention of her name came up and he wanted to hear it.

When Kat had found him in the apartment she had looked like the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen and when Emma kissed him it felt morally wrong. Kat had beautiful fiery hair with bright green eyes. Maybe Kat was closed off to certain people, open to those who she loved and truly cared about. But she loved her family. Maybe she was just a little different and misunderstood. Will knew Kat was just the same about any Shadowhunter, although there was something deep and beautiful about her that drew Will towards the red headed girl.
As he was walking down another dark hallway he heard noises from a room. He found where it was coming from and knocked on the door, whoever it was inside either was ignoring him or didn't hear the knock. Will stepped in anyways, stopping short as he realized who it was and he immediately was shaken by the lot of her bare skin wet with sweat. The room was long and lit up, weapons decorated the walls and tables. Their was punching bags, beams, and dummies to throw things at.
Kat's hair was tied in a pony tail and all she wore was a sports bra and spandex. It was as if she wore nothing he thought as her back faced him. Will realized he was looking too long and spoke up "Is this what you do every morning? Blow off steam?" She swirled around on her heels, clearly not expecting anyone, not even him. Her eyes were rounded, full of sympathy. Will wasn't sure why. "Why not? If you have a lot of it, mind as well kick this bags ass" Kat said. Will laughed, she didn't return her sweet smile. Instead she went back to punching the bag. He realized she was doing something wrong. On instinct he went up to her and grabbed her waist slick with sweat. She froze. "You have to position your hips this way in order to strike it with more momentum" he said, out of breath while he positioned her the right angle. Kat looked up at him, strands of hair falling down on her cheek, he suddenly had the urge to touch them. "Thanks but I don't need help" she turned away with a smile before he could get a good lasting view of it. "You know you don't have to take your anger out on others" Will said, sighing quietly. He saw her muscles tighten while she stood there for a few moments before turning around. There were tears gleaming in her eyes "I'm sorry about last night. If you like Emily I won't get in your way." Will gave her a confused look "What are you talking about? I never kissed Emily. She kissed me." Kat's lips parted open in surprise "I-I thought" Will cut her off "I just met you all and I'm not thinking about possibly falling in love right now." Kat searched his face as he looked deeply into her green eyes. His heart was speeding up.

"I just met you all and I'm not thinking about possibly falling in love right now" Will said. Kat felt a flash of hurt in her stomach. He was staring at her eyes, Kat looked at his lips. He inched towards her just as the door opened. They both jumped, earning them both a brush of their lips touching for the slightest moment. A whip of electric went up Kat's spin, she gasped. "Will I see you've found the training room, eh?" Carl skipped in the room, holding throwing knives. He had a deadly look on his face, it make Kat shiver. "I heard Kat in here and thought I could just stop in, I'm trying to get used to it here" Will said. Carl threw his knives in an angered fashion at a dummy, each one dug deep into its head. Carl was exceptionally good at this. Something was off with his mood. "Bravo" Will said, clapping awkwardly. Carl gave him a half smile while eyeing Kat with slitted eyes. "Are you planning on staying for long?" Carl came over, squaring his shoulders. "I'm staying as long as possible. My parents are dead so I don't have family left..." Will frowned. "Ah you sure you don't want to go anywhere else? Kat doesn't really like newbies" Carl said. The comment blew Kat away in anger. "I never said that! And Will can stay as long as he pleases!" "My parents are the head of the Institute! They can kick him out!" Carl shot back. Kat put her hands on her hips "If he goes I go too." Wills eyes widened and he looked at her sympathetically. "What's your problem with me?" Will asked Carl, giving him a hard look. "She seems to like you more than me, which says a lot" Carl turned around and left before either could reply.
Kat was at loss for words. Carl knew everything about Kat, she was like an open book to him. Kat looked at Will "Ignore him. He just likes attention." Will nodded, his eyes glistening "You know ever since my parents have died it seems as if no one wants me." "I want you" Kat blurted. Will smiled, and it looked like a awfully painful one "No you don't Kat." "All the girls would jump off a cliff if you asked them too. All jokes aside my family likes you, except Carl for now. He'll warm up to you eventually. He's just jealous because he's had a crush on me for a long time." Will laughed "So you have a crush on me? Or is that at least what he thinks?" Kat blushed "Ewe gross. Never." She took off her gloves and wiped her hands clean in the sink. Will came to stand next to her "Would you jump off a cliff if I asked you too?" "Oh dear I hope not" Kat laughed.

Kat was walking near Carl's room when she noticed his door was open. She stepped in and was immediately attacked "AGH!" Kat screamed. Carl had slammed her against the wall, kicked the door closed, and was kissing her. "Carl! Stop!" she yelled. He didn't stop, instead he kissed her harder until she could feel something that would definitely leave a mark on her neck. She kicked between his legs at a place no boys like and he yelped out in pain, staggering onto his bed. He came at her a blink of an eye,toppling her onto the bed. Kat didn't want to fight him, each of her fibers in her body wouldn't allow it, she knew she should and so badly wanted to kill
him in this instant. So she tried. Tears streamed down her eyes while she fought underneath his wrath. "GET OFF HER!" Will's voice came from behind Carl.
He was flown off of her and Will came to give her a hand. "Let's go!" Kat said, not letting go of Will's hand. They left the Institute with gear and weapons, ignoring Jason and Emily's
worried questions.

YOOO how did you like that plot twist? Did you really think Carl was a sweet guy?

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