Chapter 4

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Kat was an exceptional runner up until seemingly now. They were heading to Central Park, Will said he always wanted to visit it.
The pressure from holding back all of her tears was slowing her down, Kat felt like she could choke on the pressure. It was like Carl was chocking her right now, she felt like there were fingers on her neck but it was her emotions tolling with her. "Are you alright?" Will asked, stopping next to a park bench. Kat shook her head. She wasn't okay, if anything she felt terrible, manipulated. She would never fall for another act of kindness from Carl. He patted an area next to him on the bench as he sat. Kat began to cry, Will inched towards her until her face was in his chest. Kat clenched onto his shirt for any leverage she could find, holding back a scream. "Your hurting me a bit" Will said. Kat lifted her head and mumbled a sorry. He smiled at her. She felt something stir in her stomach again, the firs time was when she first saw Will.

Carl's mom, Farah, was red with anger while she paced his room. Carl had sent a fire message to his parents in an urgent fashion, telling them how Kat just left for no reason at all with the refuge Will Tudor. Carl didn't like it one bit, he felt jealously grab onto his heart so hard he lost his breath. The way Kat had looked at Will made him believe in true love at first sight.

His parents had asked no questions when he told them the altered story, leaving out where he wanted Clary to love him more than anything it hurt. Carl was a skilled liar, has done it all of his life, making his parents think he was some sweet little angel. Carl was anything but that, he was a devil in an Angel's form. A cursed Angel with beautiful bouncing hair and a chiseled face. Farah screamed "You're supposed to look after her! We are technically her parents you know! And Carl you let her out of your sight!" Carl's dad, Mark said "Oh Farah please she's old enough to be out on her own!" "That's what you said when you let your own son go off on his own and he got attacked by a demon! And she's accompanied with that boy Will Tudor" Farah paled, all of the color seeping from her face like a drain, she couldn't believe what she had said. Mark's face twisted up into an emotion Carl couldn't describe and didn't want to see again. Carl remembered the way his mother abused him when he was little. She would burn him with a stele, not using it for its purpose. She abused a lot of things and Carl wasn't sure why Mark was still dealing with his bastard mother. I guess that's what power and control was worth, if they divorced they'd lose the Institute and no one wanted it. Carl could take control, even he didn't want the responsibly of the Institute or to deal with the Clave's drama. "Alright we will be on our way son. Take care of yourself and the others" Mark said quietly. Before he knew it they left him alone, so he began punching the wall until his knuckles shone a deep red.

Kat looked up at him, his stomach had this warm fuzzy feeling in it. "You weren't hurting me that bad" he chuckled. Kat gave him a sweet smile, moving away from him. He watched as she plucked a flower out of the grass and absently poked it through her hair above her ear. "We should go to the London Institute and see how you got here Will" Kat said. Will's breath caught, he was hoping she would never speak of that matter. "Bloody hell" he muttered. "I can't Katherine" he added. A look of surprise came across her face. "Well then we should at least go to the L.A Institute, I have some friends there that would be open arms for having our company" she was looking off into the distance, past the pond with a glint of horror. She got up suddenly and bolted in a flash across the path, almost running into two mundane girls. Will ran after her, getting out his seraph blade "Ariel" he hissed and it shot out, glowing. He caught up to her in time to notice a dead Shadowhunter in front of her feet. He put his blade back slowly, there was no potential threat. Kat made a low sound in her throat, looking pale. He placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her away from the body. The body was a Chinese girl and she had markings all over her face, marks that would forever bring terrible memories to Will's head. These marks were part of a dark magic ritual and they were performed by Damon.

There was a deadly look on Will's face while he hovered over the body, his eyes searching. His posture was rigid, like he was holding something back. She wanted to know why there was a girl dead in the park, something like this hasn't happened since Damon attacked. Oh no, she thought. "Kat we need to go to the L.A. Institute now" Will turned around on his heels. "Wait what about the body?" Kat questioned. He shook his head, grabbing her hand and pulling Kat back onto the trail. "Call a Warlock" he was saying, his hand gripping tighter onto hers by the second. A look of calm was coming onto his features as he held on tighter. "Why do we need to go now? I'm confused what was wrong with the body?" Kat pushed. His grip increased and it hurt her this time "Ouch!" she yelped. Will staggered away from her, breathless "I-I can't explain it Kat. Just. Call. A.Warlock." A confused Kat fished for her phone in her green messenger bag and did what she was told. "Hello Mr.Woodford."

James answered the door at the first knock, presumably in a hurry. Will came in first and James shot him a look, a shocked one. "That's Will" Kat said. He shook his head as if he thought he were crazy, leading Kat in after Will. "So the L.A Institute, huh? Do I want to know why your heading out that way? James said. Will let out a low noise. "I think you deal with enough. Trust me you don't want to hear this one" Kat watched as James' hands produced a fiery blue sparkles. The door opened and there came Carl, Jason, and Emily. The Portal behind them whipped open into a swirling mass of light. Kat's flower flew from her hair and towards Carl, he could of burnt it with the furiously deep glare he was giving Will.
Will gave Kat a look, he held his hand out. "KATHERINE MCNAMARA!" Carl growled. Emily or Jason seemed none to surprised at his nasty voice. "Let's go!" Kat shouted at Will, her hair whipping in her face. James gave them both an inpatient look. The world seemed to slow as she noticed the way Will looked in the blue light and as the wind blew his hair, she focused on each strand. He yanked her into the Portal and she kept staring until she was jerked into its commotion.

When they landed in the Institute their was someone waiting for them. "Jules!" Kat cried, bolting up to her friend. Amber was coming down the stairs, wearing a white dress, she gasped when she spotted Kat. Will got up and introduced himself to Jules and Kat ran to hug Amber. She told everything in a hushed whisper, her body growing rigid. She pulled back, her eyes fresh with tears. "That's terrible" Amber shook her head. "Me and Jules were planning on going to a club tonight, you wanna come? I'm sure that would get it off your mind" she added. "Erm.. I'm not sure we just arrived.." Amber pulled her upstairs anyways to get dressed. They were going to a club tonight. With Will.

"Amber this is extremely tight!" Kat complained, looking at herself in a black leather dress after they had finished their makeup. Kat had some light eye shadow on and thick mascara. Her hair was shinny from being recently curled and brushed. "It shows those sexy curves you have!" Lilly protested. "And plus I'm sure Will will enjoy it." The mention of Will sucked her breath out of her lungs. "Your totally in love!" Amber screamed. "SHHH!! It's too soon! I just met him" Kat giggled. Lilly handed her some long black boots with heels, loaded with small daggers. "It's cute that your smaller than him. I like couples when ones taller than the other ya know?" Amber said admiringly. Kat rolled her eyes "Let's go."

When Kat came down the stairs the boys were already waiting, Will wore a long black coat that showed his body along with black pants and a gray sweater. He immediately looked at her and his eyes widened, his mouth was shaped like an "o". His eyes went up and down her body, and finally they rested on her face, they met each other's glances for awhile. She shivered as he looked her up and down once more, lingering on her legs. Kat blushed. "You guys ready?" Amber said. "Yeah!" Jules whooped and they headed out. Will, which Kat was not expecting came to hold her hand. The whole entire way to the club. It's something a normal couple would do. But they were just friends.

Also are there any mistakes?? Let me know

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