Chapter 6

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Kat's head rested on something warm and moving. With a jolt she realized she had fallen asleep on Will's chest. She fell off the bed and landed oddly onto her butt, Will immediately got up. "What the hell?!" he snapped, a mask of confusion on his sharp features. "I-I'm sorry I fell off the bed" Kat stammered, the heat blooming onto her face. "Y-You slept with me? When?" Will shot at her, his deep set eyes looked like they were going to pop out from their sockets. "I thought you knew! You were having a nightmare and I came in--" before she could finish explaining he said with a deep scowl "Lies. Get out. I'm not interested in screwing around." Kat wouldn't take this, wouldn't allow him to get away with a lie. He was oblivious! "Will you must of forgotten that last night you drank a lot of alcohol and you probably just ended up being too dumb to not notice you talked to me and allowed me to sleep with you!" Will's mouth closed shut fast, he blinked and looked dazed. He stepped towards her, merely closing the space between them. Kat had to raise her head in order to meet him at eye level "I promise you Will Tudor. I would never do anything against your will, push you to do anything you don't want to do that feels wrong. I didn't sleep--" Will placed a hand on her shoulder that made her stop. "I believe you" he spoke softly, his alcohol breath mixing with Kat's sweet cinnamon one. "And I apologize for being a tad too harsh. Also did I really drink a lot?" he added, the corner of his lip going up to a half smile, his british accent making it more endearing. "Yes you did" Kat's mouth itched to form a smile." KATHERINE" Amber's voice interrupted into the silence. "We should go downstairs" Kat said to Will.

Tavvie, Kayleigh, and Logan, Jules' siblings burst from the stairs and into the kitchen, all wearing their Shadowhunter gear. They must of been going out for a morning patrol. "KAT!" they all chimed at once when they noticed her. Kat who was eating a piece of toast dropped it onto the plate to embrace them all in tight hugs. The last time they had seen each other was when Kat had turned thirteen. She was eighteen now. Tears rose in her eyes, taking in their faces. "We're going on patrol, you want to come?" Logan asked with an eager smile. "No I need to lay low and unnoticed, I'm sorry you guys. Maybe next time" Kat got back to her food just as they ran out the door after Lilly explained why. Lilly and Jule's watched them go like the way parents would after their own kids.

Lilly and Jules' parents both died in the first uprising that Damon had started, when her parents had died too. It was the worst time in history, so far. Damon was still in hiding, more than likely planning his next scheme of killing many shadowhunters. It was sad to think that all Kat had left was her great aunt who had probably forgotten about her and Carl's parents. But their was Will.. Jason and Amber's parents worked for the Clave."So where's Lucy?" Kat questioned. Lucy was the head of this Institute. "Making business to the Clave. Jule's is running the Institute as of now" the way Amber looked at Jule's was like she was seeing the sun for the first time. Kat wondered if that's how she looked at Will and thought better of it. They were just friends. Right because friends slept together in the same bed and shared their deepest fears. They both experience nightmares and they had both slept well together, which was a miracle for Kat. As if Will knew she was thinking about him he look over at her, Kat quickly got up to empty her plate and told everyone she was going to the beach, unnoticeable  as possible. Despite them leaving she still wanted to lay low, for all they know they could still be here. She hoped Carl and the rest left for good, and admitted to herself that she felt guiltily for pushing away Jason and Emily all because of Carl. But they left on their own, that was their own problem.

As Kat walked down to the beach, she bolted to the sand to feel it's familiar hot grainy surface. She closed her eyes, spreading her arms out to feel the sun's warmth. Since it was early in the morning not many mundanes were out walking or swimming. It was empty here. Kat took that opportunity to dance around as the wind carried her orange hair in swirls. Even though mundanes couldn't see her she felt better dancing completely alone. She had almost forgot how much she really loved and had missed the beach. Kat wanted to live in this paradise with Will-- Not watching where she was going, Kat fell into the crashing waves, it hit her hard, making her succumb beneath it's surface. "Argh!" Kat said through a mouthful of salty ocean water. Her arms and legs moved like a squid's tentacles, she was moving away from the shore she realized once she came above the waters surface. Kat gasped, taking in the sweet California air. She saw someone on the shore in a black coat with blond hair blowing in the wind, staring right at her. Will. Just as she was about to scream his name she went under again.

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