Chapter 8

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Kat followed the pull of direction while she held tight onto Will's shirt. The more she walked along the houses the bigger they became, each one almost bigger than the last. She wrapped her arms around herself due to the cold air.
Carefully she drew a thermis rune to keep warm. Immediately she felt the feeling of melting relaxation as the warmth settled into her system. It was early in the morning here and late at night in Brooklyn, she was exhausted. The heels of her boots kept slipping over the uneven pavement as her eyes drooped. She pried her eyes open all the way to her destination.

Kat was walking up the the manor she saw in Will's vision, her seraph blade ready. But this wasn't where Will was. He was in the forest, across the stretch of vivid green grass. Not wanting to be seen, she bolted into the cover of the forest. Just being underneath the coverage of the trees, making Kat feel slightly better.
Her nerves were pumping with adrenaline as she kept going, the tracking rune was now pulsing dramatically. Kat knew he had to be near. She whirled in circles, looking for any civilization. Their, down a hill was a trapdoor shaded to blend in with the growth around it. Carefully, Kat tip toed to the door, opening it as quietly as she could.
When she began to climb she noticed how filthy the ladder was. Her feet almost slipped from the slimy residue, the more she went down the warmer it became. When she landed onto the ground she expected it to be dirt but instead it was a nicely polished floor. Kat stood in a dimly lit room with couches and two doorways leading to dark hallways winding down to other rooms. It was nicer than the Institute. Kat walked down the first hall--someone or something attacked her from the left side out of the darkness. She was flown down the hall. She gasped as a jarring pain went up her spine. "Who are you?!" Will snarled, his seraph blade illuminated the hallway, casting his lanky shadow across her. "It's me Will" she gasped. He lapsed in silence, his face a mask of horror. His blade dropped to the ground in a loud clang, echoing in the silence. He went to his knees, leaning over her, his warm breath surrounding her. Will's hands slid all over her body "Did I hurt you?" he questioned sharply while his hands trembled on her mid thigh. She shook her head, pursing her lips. "I need a iratze on my back" she said. He immediately took off her shirt without a pause, which wasn't necessary. He began tracing shaky swirls, the stele at first was a cold touch, then the burning sensation came through. Kat clenched her teeth as the pain grew hotter.
When he was done she took her shirt and quickly put it back on. "What the hell are you doing here. I told you not to come Katherine" Will stood, his face shadowed and looking deadly, as deadly as his tone sounded. She wobbled up onto her feet "I wanted to see if you were alright." It was more than that. Kat didn't want to be alone. She wanted him. Will's expression turned soft for a split second before turning solid "It's dangerous here Kat. That's why I don't need you here with me. I don't need you" he said through clenched teeth. The way he said I don't need you seemed as though he were arguing with himself, telling his mind that he doesn't need her when truthfully he did. All the same, each of the words dropped into her heart like daggers. "If you don't need me, I'll be on my way then.." she turned around, he caught her before she had the chance to leave him. Will pulled her around, his lips crashing into hers. Kat gasped in surprise when he backed her up into the wall, his lips moving all over her neck. Kat kissed him back with all the burning desire she had the whole time from holding back her feelings. And it was a lot. The intensity between their kisses was like a crackling energy. Their kisses were sloppy but each one was hot and electric. His breathing was coming out in gasps as time went on. She didn't know when they stopped.

The Shadowhunter men were appalled as Carl repeated the order: "You're going to ambush the Tudor manor and bring Kat back unharmed!" "Hey man I'm not up to save Kat just so you can hook up with her" a man with brown skin in the vast crowd said. A hot flash of anger rose in his chest. Carl, without any hesitation ordered one of his guards to take him out. The man, looking confused, backed out and ran the other way  before his guards got to him. Today, in Central Park was a beautiful day and Carl wasn't about to have some bastard ruin it. He explained with an authoritative voice where the location was, how they were going to take down Damon, take Will as prisoner to interrogate him and take Kat all for himself. Will had come out of nowhere and it wasn't a coincidence he came from the manor Damon so happened to be in. Earlier, Carl found bloody cloths in the Institutes infirmary from Will and saw everything that happened at the Manor. He knew exactly where he was right now. Carl would show no mercy.

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