I. Cappuccino for Yo

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Beam's POV

"One hot Cappuccino for P'Wayo"

Hmmm Wayo, that name sounds awfully familiar...

While waiting for someone to pick the order up, a familiar figure approaches the counter.

Have I seen this guy before?


A familiar voice enters my ear.

"Ey, Nong Yo?!"

"P'Beam it has been a long time! You work in this coffee shop?"

"Yes Nong Yo, I work here, in fact I own this place."

"That's amazing P'Beam, you changed a lot na!"

"Not like you, you became cuter than you were 2 years ago."

Nong Yo was the innocent and fragile guy when we were still in high school. Most girls fall for him not because he was handsome but because of his cuteness. He has a clear white skin as smooth as milk and eyes that sparkle like the stars in the sky.

As I looked at Yo from head to toe, I noticed that something has changed.

"Ey, Nong Yo, you stopped wearing glasses?"

"I still wear them P'Beam but only when I'm at home. Right now, I'm wearing contact lenses."

"Oh, that's why you look more mature but still cute"

 "Ai P'Beam, don't tease me like that."  

As the two continue to talk with one another and reminisce the past, a tall man with a model-like posture wearing a black shirt, denim pants, and brown boots walks in the café.

All eyes were on the guy as he approaches the counter. Meanwhile, the two people talking near the counter, Me and Yo, are stuck in our own world, did not noticed the guy at all.

I heard a sound coming from the front of the counter but I was in a deep conversation with Nong Yo so i didn't mind my customer at all.

"Sawadee krap" Greeted the guy at the counter.

Who the hell would distract me from having a conversation with my old schoolmate?


This guy *sigh*

I then notice that there is a customer waiting for me at the counter. 

Oh well, customers first.

"Just a second Nong Yo, I'll catch up with you later, ok?"

"Okay P'"

I quickly moved towards the counter as Yo goes back to his seat. I then ask for the man's order.

"Sawadee Krap, welcome to TaeTee Café"

"May I take y..."

I suddenly stopped talking when my eyes met the eyes of the guy in front of me.                                Eyes as sharp as a dagger. Eyes that can pierce your soul anytime.


Author's Note:

Hey Guys, I'm a new writer here and I'm a big fan of the series 2 moons. I was so attached to the series that I wanted more. I ship Beam and Forth alot even though they didn't have much contact and screentime during the series. This fan fiction is for all of ya'll out there. Let your imagination run wild :) 

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