XVII. TaeJa Vu

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Beam's POV

I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. As I rouse from a heavy slumber I am first aware of the coolness of the air and tranquility around my bedroom. As I sat up, I felt uneasy as there was something, someone, missing

I looked over the other side of my bed and was bewildered when I saw no one, but just a pillow, beside me

I was pretty sure that Forth was sleeping beside me before I shut my eyes last night, I thought to myself

As my eyes scanned the room, I checked for hints whether he left the building or he just went to the bathroom to clean himself up

He must've left already

I stood up from my bed, opened my closet door, and grabbed a shirt

I then exited my bedroom. Silence welcomed me along the hall of the second floor of this building. As I made my way down the stairs, a familiar figure stood before my eyes

My eyes enthralled on him. His eyes were like crisp toffee drizzled in melted chocolate and framed with darling lashes. A blade nose and burrowed cheekbones, his appearance only to die for. I couldn't help to notice the sunlight kissing his face which to my distaste was veiling some of his enticing features. So perfect, yet so annoying that I feel weird every time i see that sensuous man. Damnit 

It's Forth

"Close your mouth, you're drooling Beam" He teasingly said to me as I snapped back to reality. In a split second, I immediately wiped my mouth with the shirt I was wearing 

I thought I was alone, why is he still here? 

"P'Forth, what are you doing?" 

"Just making some breakfast for my wifey" 

The sound of food being cooked then distracted me from my thoughts. I turned my attention towards the small oven where the sound of pork being cooked was being emitted

"Wifey my ass" I annoyingly said

He then looked me in the eye, grinned, and said 

"I meant for my doctor" 

"P'Forth, quit teasing me early in the morning if you don't want a fist flying on your face" 

"It's okay, you'll still take care of me anyway..... Wifey" 

I was about to throw a punch at him when he abruptly said,

"Hey Beam, I don't usually call people by that but I like using it when it's you, weird huh?"

I halted my actions and angrily mumbled to myself

"Wifey, Wifey, you've just fallen head over heels for me

 "What was that?" 

did he hear me?  

"N-no-nothing!" I hurriedly said as I felt the heat growing on my face 

"Ok then, take a seat wifey. Breakfast will be ready in 2 minutes" 

"Uhm, O-Ok"

Taking a quick look at him, it doesn't seem like he heard the words that I said to myself. I am lucky this time

I then approached the seat nearest to the counter and patiently waited for the food to arrive. While waiting, I took quick glances at him. It was a good thing that his back was facing towards me or else he would catch me taking peaks at him

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