II. Tea Made by Tee

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Forth's POV


"Forth Wake Up"


"Wake Up Forth"

I can't seem to fully open my eyes. All I see is a dark figure. Why is it so bright? Why is he touching my face? Damn, these hands feel warm.


Where are you going?

Don't leave me!

"Wait! Don't leave me.."

Why am I feeling weak?

"Don..Dont lea..... me.."


"Master Forth! Master Forth Wake Up!"

As I open my eyes, I can hear my chauffeur's voice.

"Master Forth, It's 8:45 in the morning and you have a meeting scheduled at 9 AM, you will be late for the meeting if you don't wake up and prepare now."

Well that was one weird dream

"Alright I'm going to prepare, wait for me in the car P'Van thanks"

As my chauffeur leaves my room, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower

While showering, I instantly remembered my dream.

Ugh, why does my head hurts? What was that dream? Who was it? Never mind, I'll eventually get over it.

I left my bathroom, dried my hair, and wore my black shirt, denim pants, and brown boots

8:53 AM

I hurried downstairs and went in the car where P'Van was waiting.

"Thank You P'Van for waking me up. I was having a bad dream that time."

"My pleasure Master Forth, shall we now leave?"


8:58 AM

The car was speeding in the highway as my chauffeur does not want me to be late.

"P'Van, can you please stop by a coffee shop? I think I need a cup of coffee to soothe my headache."

"Are you sure Master? I can buy it for you after dropping you off"

"Nah It's okay P', I'll just be late for 5 to 10 minutes"

"Okay Master, there's one near the building where you will attend the meeting"

"Thank you P'"

I can't thank you enough for the kind-hearted P'Van. He is our family friend who has been working for my family for almost 15 years. He acts as my father since my mom and dad are in abroad right now.

9:02 AM

My chauffeur dropped me off at the building and pointed the direction towards the coffee shop.

"There it is Master Forth, the one with a shade of blue"

"Alright P', Thank you! I'll give you a call after the meeting, bye!"

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"Alright P', Thank you! I'll give you a call after the meeting, bye!"

As my chauffeur left, I went to the direction where he was pointing. I hurriedly went to the coffee shop since I am already 2 minutes late.

As I arrived in the café, I noticed that it seems to be quite packed with customers.

I entered the shop and all eyes were on me. 

Life is hard when you were born tall, with a built body, and with a handsome face.

Who am I Kidding? I'm already late yet I still try to talk to myself

I went straight for the counter and checked their menu.

They have quite an interesting menu here, Eiskaffee, Benedictine, Kopi Luwak, Breve.. I don't even know what these are. I'm gonna have to go with a Hot Green Tea.

"Sawadee Krap" I greeted yet no one seems to have heard me

I noticed the cashier chatting with this guy on the side of the counter

I checked the time

9:06 AM?!?

"Ehem" I tried to clear my throat to get his attention

I'm already late yet you are still flirting with a guy. Damn. I don't think I can handle my impatience anymore.

After cursing inside my head, the barista finally goes towards my direction

"Sawadee Krap, welcome to TaeTee Café"

What's with the smile? Do you think your smile can reverse time?

I looked at the barista with fierce and intense eyes as I cannot handle the impatience anymore

"May I take y..."


I can see him gulp in front of me. In a serious tone, I talked to him

"One Hot Green Tea, make it venti, to go"

"Okay, one venti green tea to go, that would be 150 baht."

I gave him the exact amount as I don't want to waste time on counting changes

"Thank you for giving the exact amount, may I know your name?"


"Okay P'Forth, I'm going to call you once your order is ready."

Better make it fast

I left the counter, sat down on the chair, and browsed my phone

9:10 AM

Crap, I'm already 10 minutes late. Is my coffee difficult to make?! You're making my headache worse

"One Green Tea Venti for Forth to Go!"

My prayers have been answered!

I quickly rushed towards the counter. I felt quite happy with the service but then, I felt something cold in my hands, It was my "Hot" Green Tea

"Excuse me, didn't I order a HOT green tea?"

"Oh uhm, one second"

You bastard! How am I going to soothe my headache when this drink will only make it worse?!

"I'm sorry P' but I think I punched the wrong drink, wait for 5 minutes and I can brew your hot tea!"

"Is this your service?! Crap? You didn't even care about your customer" I cursed at him

"I'm sorry P', I can make you another tea"

"Don't, I don't have time to wait for your sh*tty coffee"

Due to my irritation, I left the café with my COLD green tea, and left without giving him a tip

I woke up with a bad dream, late for my meeting, and the barista even f*cked my order! Good morning indeed.


Author's Note:

Yes I want to show the bad boy side of Forth in this chapter, but he's not kind of person who likes to curse. Wait for further chapters to know the real Forth ;)

The word 'Tee' in the name of the Chapter, refers to Beam's real name which is Tee Jaruji. 

985 Words Ya'll :-)

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