XII. Sweet as Sugar

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Beam's POV (During his Second Encounter with Forth)

At one moment, I was pushing this bothersome person, the next, I was falling down face-first without any support

The world rushes by in a blur and I know the pain is coming. Pain in another form of humiliation in front of the guy I once embarrassed myself and pain that what will happen in the next few seconds, will be looped in my head for the rest of my life. Time seems to slow down when you are falling and you know the consequences that you are about to face once you made contact to the floor. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate

By the next second, I was in the arms of someone. Being wrapped around these arms gave me a warm feeling. The feeling of safety and security in these arms is what I perfectly needed to save me from my dreadful fate 

As I opened my eyes, I saw the glistening pool of brown eyes in front of me. It was Forth's. His arms caught me mid-fall and were wrapped around my back and waist supporting my body moments before it hits the ground

My face did all the talking as I didn't have the courage to say thank you for saving me from a miserable accident. The color red seared through my cheeks and for a minute I thought that my face was on fire. I suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide my rosy features behind my fingers. He then gave me a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me

"Good thing I have quick reflexes, Ey Beam?" He said in a masculine tone as he gave me a wink

I tilted my head to the side in an effort to avoid his gaze and searched for a distraction to get me out of this awkward situation. The only thing my mind came up with was for me to regain my composure and act as if nothing happened

I stood on my feet, tidied my working apron, fixed my hair, and acted as normal as I possibly can. He then moved close towards me and whispered in my ear

"You're cute, I think like you"

The moment he said these 6 words, I wanted to puke but instead, it sent shivers down my spine and my stomach started to be filled with butterflies. My heart literally skipped a beat

Did he just confessed his feelings to me?

A number of people, both male and female, had already chased after me in the past yet I turned them down so easily but when it comes to this guy, it was quite difficult to directly tell to his face that I have no interest in anything that has got to do with him, especially being in a relationship. At that moment, it was felt like he cast a spell on me, I can't seem to think and act properly and my whole body, and mind,  became numb. At this exact moment, I had no idea how to respond to his confession therefore I tried to conceal my true emotions 

"Ey I'Forth watch your mouth" I said in a threatening tone as I raised my clenched fist and showed it to his seemingly inviting face

As he gave me an ominous wink, the left side of his faint red lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his god like face; casting a spell of lust to eyes that dare look his way

You're actually enjoying this aren't you?

He was actually taking advantage of the situation. Seeing me pissed and watching me defend my pride, it was infuriating on my part. I had to do and say all these neurotic words and do these seemingly paranoid actions in order for me not to lower my ego while he, on the other hand, kept on being hostile that brought my pride and innocence at risk

He turned around, faced his wide back on me, and walked towards the opposite direction. Before the moment that he was about to make a turn and leave my vision, he looked at me and yelled

"Ey Beam! Do you want to have a cup of coffee with me some time?"

Shouting these words out in public made me feel embarrassed since there were also some people that may hear his caustic request.  I looked him in the eyes and saw that it looks like that he only sees me and no one else, that's why he had the confidence to say what was on his mind and not care about what others think, unlike me

Since the emotion of embarrassment and awkwardness dominated me, I had no other choice but to refuse his invitation. I tried to think of how I am going to say 'no' in a robust manner yet my mind isn't functioning properly. As words were not helpful in my current situation, I resorted to show my disapproval through my actions

I raised my middle finger as I bit my lower lip to show that I was not and never will be  interested in having a cup of coffee with him. I would rather drink a good cup of coffee facing the wall instead of looking at his briny face

I went back in the cafe and did not bother to see him off. Seeing him leave and even watching his shadow disappear made my heart heave, it looks like I was getting used to his presence around me

The moment I stepped back in my shop, It seems that I can't no longer suppress the smile that I had been forcing not to show in front of him. I walked back to the counter, placed both of my hands on the counter-top and stared at the empty air stirring around my cafe

Why can't I talk properly when I'm with him?

Why is it that every time he's with me, I'm always stuck in confusion?!

As I absorbed and contemplated everything that occurred to me just minutes ago, I came to a conclusion. Although at the moment my feelings towards him were still unsure, his personality, characteristics, and the way he plays with his words, words that were as sweet as sugar, were already enough to bring a smile to my face

By the time I realized the emotions that I have for that person, I thought to myself..

Am I falling for him?


Author's Note:

I wrote this chapter solely for the POV of Beam since I felt that the emotions in the previous chapter wasn't enough.

I hope that you liked it!

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