III. Wrong Tea

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Beam's POV

"May I take y..."

What's with the eyes? Why do I feel like it can consume me anytime..

I tried to swallow my saliva and hoped that he does not notice my nervousness.

Have I done anything wrong? I have never seen a customer this serious before

"One Hot Green Tea, make it venti, to go"

I haven't even finished speaking to him yet. Wait was that hot green tea or a cold green tea? The way he is staring at me is freaking me out, I can't even remember what he said. Might as well punch his order before he gets even more serious

"Okay, one venti green tea to go, that would be 150 baht"

He reaches out his hand and gave me the 150 baht

Thank heavens he gave me the exact amount because I don't even know if I can count right now

"Thank you for giving the exact amount, may I know your name?"


"Okay P'Forth, I'm going to call you once your order is ready"

After minutes of brewing and mixing ingredients to make his order

There, one green tea, I hope that this would cool his head off

"One Green Tea Venti for Forth to go!"

I can see him approaching the counter

Here comes mister serious with a smile on his face. Why does his smile make him attractive? Wait what?! What the hell am I thinking?! Yes, he does have a great built, he's tall, quite manly, his shirt fits him perfectly, it outlines his mu.. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?

Suddenly a serious and irritated voice pulled me out of my trance

"Excuse me, didn't I order a HOT green tea?"

"Oh uhm, one second P'"

Did he said hot not cold? Damn you Beam, concentrate! Just apologize and make another tea

"I'm sorry P' but I punched the wrong drink, wait for 5 minutes and I can brew your hot tea!"

"Is this your service?! Crap? You didn't even care about your customer"

Woah! What's with the curse?! No need to increase your tone I'Forth. Calm down Beam.

"I'm sorry P', I can make you another tea"

"Don't, I don't have time to wait for your sh*tty coffee"

Damn I'Forth, I am trying to be nice here and you can't even say thank you.

I continued to curse inside my head as the arrogant customer leaves my shop

I clenched my fist and pound it on the counter making some of the cookies displayed on the counter fall off

"I wish that I would never see his face again"

As I was very pissed off, I did not noticed Nong Yo going towards the counter

"P'Beam, are you okay? I heard the commotion and I want to help you but I think that I don't stand a chance against that man"

"Ey Nong Yo, it's alright, I usually meet unusual customers like him in my shop but, thanks for your concern"

"If there's anything I can help, just tell me P'"

"Kob Kun Krub, Nong Yo!"

It is still about 9 in the morning yet my day is ruined. What can possibly make it worse?


Author's note:

3 Chapters in 1 day :-)

Basically Chapter 1-3 are just the different POV of both the main character.

The succeeding chapters will be quite different from the first three.

Thank you for reading this fan fiction and I humbly apologize for the grammatical errors and misspelled words. I am also sorry if I used some thai words incorrectly. I am not a thai, only a big fan of thai dramas :) Thanks! 

Feel free to correct my mistake by commenting them down! :-)

Cheers Ya'll

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