X. Irked With His Smirk

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Beam's POV

While I was still inside the elevator, I kept of thinking of the face that guy gave to me

He got the guts to laugh at me after making me feel humiliated? Damn that I'Forth

As soon as the elevator reached the ground level, I got out and exited the building wearing a scowl on my face

The moment I reached the front door of the café, I went straight to the counter and stared at the wall fuming with anger, frustration, and embarrassment

Curse that guy, why him?! Why of all the places would I meet him there?!

As I continued to curse at the wall, Kit walked towards me and said..

"Ey Beam, are you going to have a staring contest with that wall all day? Get your ass here and help me with the orders. It is not my fault if your customers will be displeased with the taste of your drinks!"

"Arrgh!" I groaned as I massaged the temple of my head to let out some heat

"Ai'Beam! If you're mad at me for changing the flavor of your drinks, It is your fault. You left me here even if I have never had any experience brewing a coffee before!"

Crap Kit, why can't you zip your chatty mouth even just for a minute

I took a deep breath and faced Kit

"I'm not mad at you I'Kit, it's just... this guy.. green tea.. and then... I met him there!!"

I started to get mad at Kit as I can't seem to control my anger and frustration any longer

"I'Beam, if you have something to say just say it and I'll listen, after all I am your best friend"

Before spilling the beans, I took another deep breath

"There's this one guy named P'Forth and 2 days ago he humiliated me in front of my customers by cursing at me just for making his hot tea cold. I apologized to him for making the wrong coffee and even said that I would make him another one. With that pretty face, he can't even say thanks?"

As I continued my rant, Kit interrupted

"Pretty Face?"

"Yes with that pretty face, and that smile of his? *tsk*, a set of appealing eyes, a built bod..."

I immediately halted talking as I realized where it was going

I slowly faced Kit and I can see him smiling maliciously at me

H e l p   m e

"Ey Beam!! It sounds to me that you like a person. P'Forth.... isn't it?" Kit mocked me with a nasty tone

"I'Kit! Who said that I like him? I'm a man and I like girls!"

"Well, the way you said it, it looks like you have quite an experience with this guy, and you even met him today. Right?!"

"Experience my ass Kit! You don't even have any experience with girls! You are the only one who is still a virgin among the 3 of us!" I teased Kit to divert the topic

"I'Beam!" Kit yelled angrily at me as he shoved me around the counter and as I try to get away from his punches

Well, at least the subject changed

As Me and Kit continued to tease one another, I saw Nong Yo came in the shop together with a friend

I stopped horse-playing with Kit as they entered the front door

"Ey Nong Yo!" I greeted

As soon as I said the word 'Yo', Kit stopped pushing and shoving me

"Sawadee P'Beam" Greeted Nong Yo

"Sawadee Nong Yo!" I greeted him back

"Ey..... Yo? You mean Nong Wayo from our High School?!" Kit asked with excitement

Kit jumped over the counter and immediately moved close towards Nong Yo

He carefully examined him from head to toe

"Ey Kit, It doesn't mean that Nong Yo have stopped wearing glasses, you don't recognize him anymore" I reminded Kit who was creeping the hell out of Yo

"P'Kit?!" Asked Wayo

"Nong Yo!! you still remember me?! You haven't changed a bit, you just got a lot cuter" complimented Kit as he pinched the cheek of Nong Yo

"Ey P'Kit, stop teasing me, it has just been 2 years"

As the two continued to talk with one another, I noticed the friend that Yo came in with

"Nong Yo, who is your friend?" I interrupted their conversation

"Ah P', this is Ming, my best friend. Ming meet P'Beam and P'Kit. P'Beam and P'Kit, meet Ming"

"Sawadee P'" Greeted Ming

"Sawadee" I greeted back

"They were my seniors back in high school" Yo said to Kit

I noticed that Kit remained quiet and he didn't greet Nong Kit back. An idea immediately came up to my mind

"Why so quiet KitKat?" I whispered to Kit as he stood still like a statue

"Love at first sight?" I added

After hearing my mockery, Kit shoved me

"Ey Kit! Why are you acting so tough when you are so fragile infron..."

Kit immediately covered my mouth with his right hand as I continued to murmur words

"I'Beam! One more word and I'll kick you" Kit said angrily

As I continued to tease Kit, Yo and his friend were left laughing

If Nong Yo hadn't came earlier, I would be toast by now and also, Thank You Nong Ming for zipping the mouth of  chatty Kit


Author's Note:

Beam, Kit, Yo, and Ming are finally in 1 chapter! What a time to be alive!

Wait, did Beam tell us about what he feels towards Forth? Hmmm

Any comments with this chapter?

Shall I make a sub-chapter on why Yo and Ming went to Beam's Café?

Comment down below on your thoughts for this chapter!

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