XIV. Beer Right Back

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Beam's POV

I slid his arm over my shoulder, and lifted him up. His weight was quite heavy which caused me to almost trip over but luckily I was able to support myself by holding on the front door. I tried to search for his phone on his front pockets but it was nowhere to be found. I checked for the back pockets of his pants and i felt it together with his flattened wallet. As I was trying to grab the phone from his back pockets, I accidentally made contact with his bottom which caused Him to jerk

Hey, it isn't my fault that I can't see my own hand movements. It's the fault of his broad arms that are blocking my view from looking over his back

As I grabbed a hold of his phone I tried to turn it on but it didn't do anything. At that moment, I realized that he drained his phone's battery and it was useless at this point. As I placed his phone in my pocket for safekeeping, he looked at me with his pair of drunk scarlet orbs and said

"Ey,.. why are.. you *hiccups* holding my ass? *hiccups*"

"Ai'Forth, you're drunk. I'm just trying to get you home"

He smirked at me and said with a teasing tone,

"Are you *hiccups* planning to do something to me?"

"I'Forth, you better behave or else I'm going to let you sleep here on the sidewalk"

He pointed at me with his shaking head and laughed maniacally, then, he instantly dozed off as quick as half a second

Jeez, I'm a coffee shop owner not a drunk-person caretaker

Since his phone was dead and I had no idea about his home address, I decided to let him stay inside my apartment for the night. Luckily, I'm living alone so I wouldn't have to explain to anyone why I have a drunk friend staying over at my place above a coffee shop. I lugged him up to the second floor and fished out my house keys and unlocked the door for a stairway leading to my apartment. We made our way clumsily upstairs and into my room. The moment I laid him on my newly-changed sheets and comfortable bed, he collapsed with an exhausted sigh and began to doze off

"Ey Forth, hold on, at least take your shoes off and change into a new shirt first. Your polo really smells you know" I complained sitting beside him and unbuttoning his long sleeves that were stained with beer marks. He groaned reluctantly and forced himself into a sitting position

"If you want to see me naked, all you have to do is ask" He spoke unexpectedly in a clear, coherent, and raspier than usual tone

"Trust me, I don't"

An obvious lie.

I already saw him half-naked once when I humiliated myself in front of him. It was the time that I accidentally mistaken him for being the guy who ordered from me as I delivered the coffee to the area where he was having his shoot for a magazine. That awful memory of mine was still stored somewhere deep in my mind

Forth flashed me one of those signature smiles, that he always show to me every time I embarrassed myself and every time he teased me, and shifted closer to me

"You smell good"

he paused to draw in the scent of my perfume

"Really good"

I was trying not to get sidetracked at our close proximity but I couldn't help it

"You're drunk"  I said dismissing his statement as I took off his sleeves that I had finished unbuttoning. I reached down and undid his shoes. He smiled and inclined in again, snuffling the crook of my neck,

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