*Please Read*

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First of all, I want to sincerely apologize for being inactive for almost 2 years. Alot has been going on around my personal life. Here's the reason why I suddenly left wattpad without giving you guys a heads up:

September 2017, on the process of writing this story, I received one of the worst news anyone can have. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. 

Hearing this news, it was the painful reality that I needed to take in. Seeing the first person you ever loved and the person you cherish the most suffer, and enduring this sight, is one of the most difficult thing to do. 

I became inactive as I needed time with my mom and as she needed us to be beside her all the time.

On this month last year (July 2018), after a series of chemotherapy and treatments, she passed away. 

It was very difficult for me to cope during those times because I was very close to my mom and I loved her so much that I would do anything just to bring her back. This experience affected me negatively as I skipped school for half a month and lost contact with some of my friends.

I faced tough process of putting myself back up as my mom was always there for me in all of my achievements in my life. She was a mother who supported me in all of my life choices and decisions, a person who inspired me and taught me to always believe in myself, and a hero that fiercely fought an unbeatable fight.

I hope that you guys would understand

As of now, you guys don't need to worry as my life is going quite well, I am currently handling one of the businesses left by my Mom (together with my older siblings) and I am just thankful  that my mom is free from all the pain and agony.

Before I continue with the story, I just want to tell all of you guys to stop what you are doing right now and tell your mom, tell your dad, or tell anyone sincere to you that you love them from the deepest bottom of your heart. Let us spend time with them as we never know when our last moment with them will be. 

I'd like to end this by saying, My mom is the greatest superhero I have ever met and every second, every minute, and every hour I spent with her were the most glorious moments that I ever had in my life.

Thank you for reading this post and thank you for understanding me.

See you guys on the next update!

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