V. An Iced drink for the Hot Head

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Forth's POV

After refreshing up a bit inside the restroom, I checked my watch

9:33 AM

It's just 3 minutes. P'Song won't get mad, he even saw me before 9:30

I left the restroom and walked towards the meeting room

As I entered the room, an angry-yet-sarcastic voice greeted me

"Look who eventually decided to come in, Mr. Punctuality"

Is P'Song mad at me for being late by just 3 minutes? It is just 3 minutes, right?

"Sawadee krub P', Sawadee krub director" I said to them as I greeted them with a wai

"Sawadee Forth" Replied the Director

"Didn't I already told you that you only had 9 minutes to fix yourself? Look at the time now, its 9:34, you are 4 minutes late I'Forth, 4 minutes!"

"I'm so sorry P'" I pleaded

"I only wanted to look fresh and neat infront of the director rather than being drenched in sweat. That is why it took me so long P'"

As I made my excuse, P'Song rolled his eyes

I cannot argue against P'Song as he helped me in my modeling career. He was the one who introduced me to this industry and he was the one who trained me and guided me. Because of him, I am now here talking face to face with the director. He made all of these possible. Without him, I am nothing.

"No no, it is not a big deal Nong Forth, please sit down"

"Thank you, director!"

After taking my seat, I faced towards P'Song who was still mad at me

"Now, we are here today to discuss about your incoming photoshoot for the cover of this month's issue Forth"


I was in awe when the director said this

No way?!

"What do you mean director? You mean infront of the magazine? The cover? Me?"


I want to run around the room like a little kid who got his first remote controlled car but luckily, I was able to restrain myself. I was in bliss!

I can't believe it! Never have I ever been the cover of a magazine. This is a first time!

P'Song interrupted my euphoria by reminding me of the schedule for the shoot

"Forth, the photographers and artists have already discussed the schedule of your photoshoot, it will be 2 days from now, 8 o'clock in the morning, understand?"

"8 in the morning? Why does it have to be so early P'? Can you change the slot to an afternoon?"


That one-word response was all he need to shut me up

"You are the one who's late today and you even have the right to demand to change the schedule?"

P'Song is really on fire today..... I better zip my mouth

Fortunately, the director was there to ease P'Song

"Unfortunately, Nong Forth, we don't have any slots left to reschedule your photoshoot. All slots for the day have already been taken for the other models"

"Ahh I understand P'! Well I better do good in my shoot!"

I added,

"Thank you, director, for giving me this opportunity! I promise that I won't disappoint you!"

"That's good Nong Forth, I expect a lot from you!"

Me and P'Song stood and bid the director a wai as he left the room

"Remember I'Forth, 8 AM, Saturday"

"Okay P'Song!"

Despite the tight schedule, I am still in awe for this kind of opportunity

I won't let you down.


­Author's Note:

Almost every character in the story gets mad at Forth at some point, lmao

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