Finding Out the Truth...the Hard Way.

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The next day was intense. Louisa wasn’t her usual self. She was afraid. She had seen her Aunt Raven. Louisa has never liked her; she was selfish, inconsiderate, and always made an indiscreet comment.

She always tried to get Louisa to like her by taking her to places she would enjoy, but how could she enjoy such places if it was with the one person Louisa disliked?

Louisa decided on staying in her room for the day, cuddling with the teddy bear Tom got her a few days ago. He didn’t like seeing Louisa in the mood she was in. He wanted to see her happy, energetic, and smiling brightly at everyone around her. Today, she was the exact opposite.

“Tom, I’m sure she’ll be okay. Just give her a couple days,” Ashlee suggested as she made him a cup of coffee.

“What if she doesn’t get better? I mean, all this drama that has been happening, it’s too much,” Tom complained. He frowned; this was all too much to take in.

Ashlee handed him his cup of coffee as she rubbed his shoulders. “She’ll get better,” she whispered.

Ashlee knew deep down inside that Louisa would probably not get better for some time, but she’d have to get over it soon.

Ashlee decided to call for a girls meeting to discuss their plans on how to meet this woman named Raven, and how they possibly get more information out of her.

“Poor Lou, I feel so bad for her, how could that witch be her aunt?” Nicole sneered as she sipped her tea.

Jordan brushed her long brown hair as she frowned slightly. “I can only imagine how her life was before meeting Tom.”

“Miserable?” Nicole asked.

“Possibly,” Jordan answered.

Ashlee silenced their conversation as she spoke. “Look, enough about Lou. We need to talk about this woman, Raven. She’s our only way to knowing where Tom’s so called baby mama is.”

Ashlee cringed at the words “baby mama”; it disgusted her to know that Tom had slept with a girl and got her pregnant. Did he mean to? Or was it a mistake?

“Ashlee’s right, we need to get whatever information we can get out of her,” Jordan agreed.

Kate nodded. “Yup, but how? We don’t know where she’d be right now?”

Ashlee bit her lip. Kate was right, where was she? For all they knew she could have went to another city to escape them and their madness.

“Well…we’d probably have to go somewhere she’d like to be,” Ashlee answered.

“Which is?” Cassidy pressed.

Ashlee got up from her seat on the floor and headed upstairs to Louisa’s room. Maybe she’d know what places Raven liked to go to. It was a risk she was willing to take.

“Lou…?” Ashlee whispered as she walked into the little girl’s room. She was playing with her Bratz dolls.

“Hi, Ashlee,” she mumbled.

“Hey, sweetie,” she cooed, sitting on her bed. “I need help.”

Louisa looked up at her questioningly. “What do you need help with, Ashlee?”

“Well….I wanted to know if there are any places in Liverpool that your Aunt Raven likes to go to.”

Louisa looked away, frowning.

“It’s okay if you aren’t comfortable with telling me,” Ashlee said.

Louisa shook her head. “No, I want to tell you. She usually goes to the mall.”

Raven liked to shop at the mall. Ashlee would have never guessed that since the woman dresses like she’s in the 1850s. It was so….out of style.

“Thank you, Lou,” Ashlee kissed her cheek which caused a smile upon Louisa’s face.

Ashlee walked out and went to grab her purse. If she was going to the mall she might as well buy some stuff there. She may even get Louisa new clothes and shoes; maybe even accessories.

“Who knew she’d like to go shopping at the mall, doesn’t even look like she does,” Megan joked, laughing.

“Oh…don’t even get me started on how she dresses,” Jordan said, flipping her brown hair back.

“Guys, we must focus!” Ashlee hissed as they walked through the crowded mall. She was not in the mood for jokes, especially about Raven.

“How are we going to find her?” Kate asked as she scanned through the crowd.

The mall was crowded, and what made it worse was the fact most girls had dark black hair.

“Well….look for the girl dressed as a pilgrim,” Ashlee commanded.

The girls snickered, but obliged to look for her.



Raven frowned at the clothes she was looking through at different stores in the mall. They were all too…young looking for her. Even though she was only thirty two; Raven felt older than that. Maybe it was because of her younger sister. She always envied her. She could go party like no tomorrow while Raven sat there miserable, watching her two daughters watch TV.

She wanted a life like that, but never got it. Once her sister fooled around with that silly Tom and became pregnant, she knew that her envying had to end. Her sister got what she deserved, but the only thing not holding her back from not helping her was the fact Tom never stayed with her. He left her, and never came back.

Raven gritted her teeth in anger as she left the noisy shop, feeling irritated. The memory still pains her. Why did he leave her? Does he even remember her? The questions feeling her head made her loathe Tom even more.

“Is that her?” Raven heard a voice murmur from a distance as she walked away from the shop to get herself a smoothie.

“I don’t know, Ashlee, what do you think?” Another voice asked.

Ashlee…what was she doing here? Raven thought as she looked to see six girls in a group together; they were talking and sneaking glances at her.

Raven stomped over to them, her anger fuming. “Now, what in the hell are you Paris Hiltons doing here?! Are you trying to spy on me? She spat.

“Excuse me but-“

“Oh shut it, Miss Wannabe America’s Next Top Model! Look, I am not in the mood for your shenanigans!” Raven exclaimed. She gave each girl a death glare. “And you,” Raven paused and looked at Ashlee. ”The last thing I want to see is your caked up faced. You make me so sick. How can you love a man as unloving and careless as Tom?” Raven’s blood was boiling. These girls obviously were working on a plan to try and pry information out of her. Raven wasn’t ignorant; she knew what young girls were capable of.

The girls gasped as Ashlee clenched her fist. “Excuse me?! He’s been nothing, but kind and loving to me! I’m sorry if your childish sister wasn’t good enough for him!”

Obviously this argument was getting intense, and Jordan did not like how this was working out. It was like the whole plan back fired.

Childish you say? Hah, that’s not even close. My sister is responsible, and caring, unlike your idiot boyfriend!” Raven hissed.

“Oh that does it!” Ashlee began to walk over to her, angrily. She rolled up her sleeves, preparing to punch this woman dead in her face, but instead a pair of arms held her back.

“Ashlee, she isn’t worth it!” Jordan protested. “She’s just trying to get in your head!”

Raven laughed darkly as she shook her head. “You aren’t even close, sweetheart. I’m telling little Ashlee here….the truth.

“Oh, and what may this truth be?” A voice asked behind her. Raven turned around to be greeted by a grim looking……Tom.

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