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  A/N - Just wanted to thank you guys for all the sweet comments, and I'm really glad a lot of people like this story. I wasn't really sure if you all would, but you do, so thank you! xx 

Also, MonkeyMad85, thank you for continuously commenting and telling me to update. xD It motivates me to, so thank you! x ♥


Everyone looked in awe as Tom appeared behind Raven crossing his arms. Raven stood stiffly as Tom walked into her view. His face didn’t show any hint of happiness. The once happy and cheerful Tom was now a pissed off and angry guy.

This was the woman who was supposedly scaring his daughter Louisa and insulting Ashlee up and down. He didn’t like it when people harassed his love ones. If they ever did, Tom was there to give them a piece of his mind.

“So, Raven, what is the so called truth?” Tom demanded. Ashlee walked up behind Tom feeling comfortable and herself again. She was happy to know that her boyfriend was there to protect her and help her through anything.

Raven got her confidence back and got up in Tom’s face. “You want to know the truth?” She chuckled to herself. “Truth is Tom, you’re a deadbeat Dad! You were never there for Louisa! My sister had to care for her for years. Do you-“

“She took care of her for only three years, that’s not a lot. Oh, and she never told me about the baby!” Tom snapped. He gritted his teeth in frustration. This woman was driving him mad. What was with her and lies?

“You didn’t need to know about it. You left her, remember?” Raven spat.

Tom rubbed his temples as he closed his eyes and thought about that night again.

Her face was covered by darkness, but Tom could tell she was still lying in bed asleep. He could only make out her chest that was rising up and down with each breath.

He didn’t want to leave her, but he had to. He had a career to hold and music to make. Besides he could always come back and see her. She did give him her number and told him to call anytime.

As he got out of bed, he heard slight movement. “Where are you going?” She yawned.

“Uh…I have to go,” Tom said quickly, putting on his pants.

“Why? Can’t you stay?” She begged.

He sighed. “I…can’t. I have to go.” Tom got his shoes on, and bolted out the door before hearing another word from her mouth.

Tom opened his eyes as he saw an angry Raven crossing her arms. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just leave my girlfriend alone.”

“I did nothing. She and her little pets came to spy on me!”

“I am not her pet!” Jordan yelled.

Tom held a hand up to signal for her to quiet down. “I am done with the-“

“Listen here Tom Parker, they were spying on me. I was peacefully shopping when they came up to me like little robots. Now, if you excuse me. I am done with this irrelevant argument.”

With that, Raven spun around on her heel, and walked away.

Tom looked at Ashlee. His eyes read disappointment. “Were you planning on spying on her?”

“Well…, we wanted to pry information out of-“

“Ashlee, come on! Leave the woman alone. I am sick of her, and this mystery woman I slept with! You need to give it a rest. I appreciate your detective side, but it’s not needed,” Tom said. He walked away.

Ashlee frowned. “I-I didn’t find anything wrong about it.”

Jordan put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure he’s just upset right now. Just give him time to calm down.”

Ashlee nodded as the girls walked towards the entrance of the mall.


Louisa stood on her tippy-toes as she dunked the small orange ball into the small hoop that Jay bought for her. She fell in love with it after a little practice and lessons on basketball from Nathan.

Tom watched her, smiling weakly. He was worn out from playing a couple games with her. She was so energetic and always ready to run. That was something she definitely got from Tom; his exuberant personality. 

“Daddy, one more game, pretty please!" Louisa pulled on his sleeve.

“Okay, love, we’ll play one more game. After this we’ll go and eat what food Siva has planned to cook for us.”

They played their last game for about fifty minutes. It involved giggles, laughter, screams, and fun. Tom enjoyed Louisa so much. After a long hour of the game, Louisa won 20-10. Tom secretly let her win in order to make her happy.

“Jay, what is with all the food, it’s not Thanksgiving,” Megan said. She looked at all the plates of food set out on the table. Truthfully, she was glad Jay decided to make a lot of food because most of the girls and other guys didn’t really cook much.

“I just wanted to,” Jay replied. “I feel like tonight should be special.” Jay left to call everyone down for dinner once Louisa and Tom entered the dining room.

“Look all this food, Jay really outdid himself,” Tom smiled.

Louisa awed at the food as her mouth felt watery. The food looked absolutely delicious. Most of it was her favorite.

“Aw, I think Lou is hungry,” Megan laughed as she plopped the small girl on her lap. “Are you?”

Louisa nodded her head enthusiastically. “I am! Where’s Jay? I am hungry!”

Everyone poured into the kitchen to eat. It was like a big family coming together. The only thing that messed it up was Ashlee’s attitude. Tom completely shut her down after yelling at her for being nosy.

Nosy wasn’t even the right word for it. She was helping him. He acted like he didn’t even care about the woman he clearly had sex with and forgot all about. It frustrated her, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.

She tapped his shoulder and whispered, “Tom, I think there’s something I should tell you.”

Tom Parker's Daughter? [The Wanted Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now