15. Her Answer✔️

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Anjali's home

Anjali enters her home and is greeted by her sister.

Aditi - "Hey didi, how was the... proposal?"

Anjali frowns at her statement and then realises that her sister was well aware of Rahul's plans.

Anjali - "You knew?"

Aditi - "Me? Even Mumma Papa knew. Rahul bhai had come to the house in your absence to take their permission."

Anjali - "You mean that Rahul proposed me with my parent's consent?"

Neeta enters the room and joins the conversation, "Yes Anjali, Rahul proposed you with our consent. Why are you so shocked?"

Anjali - "Because I thought that I should talk to you before answering him. So, I asked for some time."

Neeta and Aditi bang their head and sit down on the sofa.

Neeta - "Is it your marriage or mine?"

Anjali looks at her mother and goes to sit next to her.

Neeta - "This decision should be taken by you. It's your life. Your happiness is important. Think about it and take the decision."

Anjali - "Am I ready for marriage?"

Neeta - "You have to decide this."

Neeta looks at her elder daughter. She was still confused.

Neeta - "Aditi, get lost."

Aditi is shocked. She says, "What did I do?"

Neeta - "Nothing. I have to talk to Anjali. So go away. Sleep, study, watch cartoons, dance, sing. Do whatever you need to but leave this room."

Anjali - "No Aditi, don't sing. You have a horrible voice."

Aditi pouts and then leaves the room.

Neeta shifts to the corner of the sofa and Anjali lays down keeping her head in her mother's laps. Neeta caresses her hairs and says, "Do you love him, Anjali?"

Anjali - "Yes Mumma, I love him."

Neeta - "Then what is the problem?"

Anjali - "I don't want to leave my family so soon."

Neeta - "Who said that you will be leaving your family. No dear. After marriage also you will be our daughter. You will become a part of a new family. Marriage will give you new relations, it will not end the existing ones. And you are not getting married tomorrow. Understood?"

Anjali nods. Neeta continues, "Take your time and think about it. I have seen the truth in Rahul's eyes. He truly loves you. He will respect your decision."

Saying this, Neeta leaves to her room. Anjali goes to the terrace instructing her sister to leave her alone.

Anjali's POV

Mumma is right. Even I have seen the truth in Rahul's eyes. But will I be able to be a good wife? Will his family accept me? Whatever it is, tomorrow I will give him my answer.

Third Person's POV

Anjali spent the whole night thinking about Rahul's proposal. Next day, she told her answer to her parents and left for Mehra Industries with her bag.

Mehra Industries

Anjali walks into the building and immediately goes to the receptionist.

Anjali - "I want to meet Mr Rahul Mehra urgently. Please.."

Receptionist - "Mam, I will ask him. And your name?"

Anjali - "Anjali Mishra."

The receptionist quickly talks to Rahul and then says to Anjali, "Mam, please go to the top floor. Sir will be waiting for you in his cabin. It won't be difficult for you to find it as it is the only room upstairs."

Anjali quickly thanks to her and moves towards the lift. She enters the lift and goes to the top floor. When she leaves the lift, there was a bouquet in her hand. She immediately knocks the door of Rahul's cabin without even reading the names written on the board.

As she hears Rahul's voice, asking her to come in, she enters the cabin and is greeted by Rahul, who was now standing near the door. Anjali faces him and....









Anjali goes down on her knees and holds the bouquet​ in front of her.

Anjali - "I love you, Mr. Rahul Mehra. You became friends with me. You trusted me. Will you, please, marry me?"

Rahul was surprised. He said, "Of course, I will!!!" His charcoal black eyes drowned into her black orbs. Saying so, he took the bouquet and offered his hand to Anjali. She accepted the offer. Their cute eyelock got disturbed by the hooting in the room. She turned around to find Ajay, Nidhi and Vikram standing and hooting. She whispers to Rahul, "You should have warned me." Anjali hid behind Rahul in embarrassment.

Rahul whispers back, "You did not give me a chance to do anything. Plus this cabin belongs to both bhai and me."

Anjali - "You never told me." She facepalmed shyly.

Anjali and Rahul's conversation is interrupted by Nidhi.

Nidhi - "Okay lovebirds, we all are here."

Vikram - "This is why you did not want us to be here today."

Rahul - "Hey, no. I had no idea. Yesterday only she asked for time. And today she is here asking me to marry her. I had no idea she loved me."

Anjali - "In that case, Mr. Rahul Mehra, you are a big fool. Neha had told you people that I will dance only with my future life partner. I danced with you. What bigger proof do you want? I asked time to talk to my parents. I did not know that you proposed me with my parent's consent."

Rahul - "I thought that was the right thing to do. So I..."

Anjali - "It's alright. But will your family accept me?"

The question takes away Rahul's happiness and excitement. His face shows excessive fear.

Nidhi - "Don't worry Rahul. I had a talk with Maa. She will support you. And you know, she is so good at convincing people."

Rahul nods and holds Anjali's​ hand. Anjali relaxes him and all of them decide to celebrate the day.


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