30. Family Time✔️

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Sorry...I am late...was busy with exams....so without wasting more time, here is the next update


Anjali - "Don't worry bhabhi. He has the world's best medicine with him."

Nidhi and Ajay stare Anjali while Mala pulls her in a hug.

Mala - "You did what no one could. You returned a mother to Rahul."

Anjali smiles at her. She receives a call from Nandini who calls her back to the room.

Rahul and Anjali's Room

Anjali enters the room to find Rahul sleeping peacefully with his head placed on Nandini's laps.

Nandini - "Where did you go?"

Anjali - "I thought to leave you both alone so that you can solve the misunderstandings. I will take care of him, you should go and have some rest aunty."

Nandini - "It's after years, my son is sleeping peacefully. I want to be with him. And....it is mom for you."

Anjali looks at Nandini amazed.

Nandini nods and continues, "Only a daughter can understand her mother's pain. You understood it. While everyone thought that I don't care about Rahul, you understood my silent actions. Now I will be a mother to you."

Anjali smiles and sits on the bed. She says, "Mom, can I ask you one thing?"

Nandini nods and Anjali continues, "Was it Dilip uncle who wanted me to leave my job?"

Nandini - "Yes, he was against this marriage. How can the world's most eligible bachelor get married to a school teacher? It was Mala bhabhi who convinced him."

Anjali - "So my guess was right. He is not happy with this marriage."

Nandini - "You knew?"

Anjali - "Yes I did. Like I know that you are the one who informed Vikram about Rahul's habit of taking drugs."

Nandini is shocked. She asks, "How?"

Anjali - "After our marriage was fixed, I had one day asked Rahul that how Vikram knew about his habit of drugs. Rahul told me that he never bothered to find an answer to this. Then I asked Vikram himself. The he showed me the photograph in which Rahul was seen taking drugs. Behind it was written, 'You failed as a friend. This is your friend taking drugs'. After​ marriage, when one day you were helping Reeta, I recognized your handwriting as the same on that photograph. And my guess was correct."

Nandini - "You should have been a detective."

Anjali laughs. They continue to talk while Rahul continues to sleep.

Evening, 9pm - Dining Room

Everyone was sitting at their usual seats around the dining table. Except Nandini who was sitting between Rahul and Anjali. As the food was placed on the table, it was first served to Vijay and Dilip. After that, Nandini served the food to herself and Rahul and started feeding him. Everyone was surprised seeing this.

Reeta - "Mom, feed us also." Rohit nods.

Nandini - "I am always pampering both of you. Today is Rahul's turn."

Rahul pokes his tongue at them.

Anjali - "Come I will feed you."

Nidhi nods and both of them feed Rohit and Reeta.

Ajay - "Mom, you also feed me."

Mala - "You are a child's father. Grow up."

Ajay pouts and even Mala starts feeding her son.

Adi(making an angry face) - "Nobody feed me."

Anjali - "Aww. Come baby. Chachi will feed you."

Adi runs to Anjali and she makes him sit on her laps. Vijay and Dilip look at this and continue to eat their food.

Anjali and Rahul's room

Later in the night, Anjali had given Rahul his medicines. She was about to go when Rahul pulls her and makes her sit next to him.

Rahul - "Anjali, you gave me back my mother." His eyes turned glassy with joy and lips mumbled, "Thank you."

Anjali - "When did our relationship become so formal, that you have to thank me. I am your​ wife, your better half. And above everything, I am your friend. You don't have to thank me."

Rahul hugs Anjali and finally they called it a night.


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