35. Investigation✔

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City Hospital

Anjali was being operated in the operation theatre while everyone else was waiting outside. Two hours had already passed. Everyone had tears in their eyes except Rahul. He was carrying a neutral expression. He was not in his senses, not feeling anything. 

Vikram walked to Nidhi, who was sitting with Mala, Nandini, Shanti and Neeta.

Vikram - "Bhabhi, do something. Rahul's silence is like one before a storm. Do something or this volcano will destroy someone."

Nidhi(with anger) - "Let someone be destroyed today. For years this people have ignored his feelings, his pain, his fears. Today, I will see how they ignore his anger." She looks angrily at every member of the Mehra family.

The Mehra family was shocked and ashamed. What Nidhi said was true. No one was ever bothered about Rahul's feelings. Vijay and Dilip always treated him as the Assistant Managing Director of Mehra Industries and not as a family member. Mala just inquired through Nidhi while Nandini had always ignored him. Ajay cared for him but always lost his patience with Rahul due to which Rahul never confided in him. Rohit and Reeta were younger to Rahul and so was Adi.

Some police officers came to them. Ajay moves forward to them. 

Inspector - "I am Senior Inspector Abhay Singh. I am in-charge of Mrs. Mehra's case

Ajay - "I am Ajay Mehra. I was the one who called you."

Rahul - "Inspector. I was the target. Anjali pushed me out of the way and got shot."

Inspector - "Mr. Rahul Mehra. Can you think of a reason why someone would attempt to murder you."

Rahul looked at the Inspector and started narrating about Anjali's abduction, her escape, his threat to the Oberois and his efforts to defeat the Oberois. 

Rahul - "But I failed. I did everything to defeat them but they...."

The doctor comes out of the Operation Theatre. 

Doctor - "No, Mr. Mehra. You did not fail. Your wife is out of danger. She is weak and will have to spend a lot of days in the hospital but she is safe. She will soon gain consciousness. We will keep her under observation and you can soon meet her."

Rahul walked to the doctor and kneeled down in front of him. Everyone was shocked. The Rahul Mehra kneeling in front of someone was unexpected.

Rahul - "Thank you so much Doctor. You have given me my life back."

Doctor - "This is my duty, Mr. Mehra." Saying so, the doctor leaves.

Inspector - "I would like to investigate the crime scene."

Rahul - "I will come with you, Inspector."

Rohit - "No Bhai, you stay here. Bhabhi needs you. Reeta and I will go."

Reeta - "Yes bhai, you stay with Bhabhi. And it is you whose life is in danger. You can be attacked again."

Inspector - "I completely agree. Mr. Mehra, it will be better if you stay here. I will leave two of my officers with you."

The Inspector quickly passes some orders and talks to the doctor, and then leaves with Rohit and Reeta.

Mehra Mansion

Rohit and Reeta take the Inspector and his officers to the garden where the get together was organised. The Inspector orders his men to search the place for any clues. 

Inspector - "Where were Mr. Rahul Mehra and Mrs. Anjali Mishra standing before the crime took place?"

Rohit moves forward to show the place where Rahul was standing while Reeta moves forward to show Anjali's position. 

Inspector - "What happened next?"

Reeta - "We all were talking. Rahul Bhai was with the men while Bhabhi was with us. When suddenly Bhabhi ran towards Bhai. Before we could understand what happened, Bhabhi got shot."

Inspector - "If we keep in mind the angle at which Mrs. Mehra was shot, the shot was aimed at Mr. Mehra's chest. That means that the killer was standing somewhere in front of Mr. Mehra.  And by what you tell me, Mrs. Mehra's back was to that side. Then how did she realise that Mr. Mehra was about to get shot?

(In case you did not understand the above situation, look at this

(In case you did not understand the above situation, look at this

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I hope I clarified the doubt. Please ignore the untidiness and my poor handwriting)

Reeta and Rohit realise that they never thought about this. 

Inspector - "Leave that. Let's inspect the place from where the shot might have taken."

They move towards the place.(You can refer to the above image.) The Inspector is informed by his officers that nothing suspicious was found. 

He looks around the place but again does not find anything. 

Inspector - "Whoever has done this is very clever. He has left no clues."

Reeta - "May be. But still he does not know everything."

Inspector - "Meaning?"

Reeta(looking towards the top) - "Ajay Bhai and Rahul Bhai both have done engineering. The security of this mansion is directly under their control. So no one knows about it. Not even the family members."

The Inspector follows Reeta's gaze and finds a hidden security  camera.


Ah! So Anjali is fine. And the investigation has started. What do you think??

mysteriouslove_xx,see I kept Anjali safe. 

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